Many of you know about the recent capture of Captain James Hobart, few of you know the capture of Lieutenant Ashley Taylor, the rest of you wouldn't care either way.
Many of you know about my recent screw up, which lead to Captain James Hobart in being captured. You know because of the report I sent to the High Command.
Now. I need volunteer's for this. This mission has a high-risk factor, one that Admiralty wouldn't approve of. I'm tired of sitting around waiting for the brass to get these people out. I want volunteers that won't cowar out at the last second. I want volunteer's that'll die for their house to win this bloody war, and we can't do that with our pilots missing!"
He paused and sighed,
"I made a promise to James. I'm going to get him out, along with our other pilots.
From what I do understand, Captain James Hobart will be shipped out on either a Kusari Destroyer, or a Prison Transport heading to Fuchu in Shikoku. It is to my understanding that Lieutenant Ashley Taylor is on Fuchu. My plan is for a double hit on Kusari. How is this going to be achieved you ask?
Uniformed Armed Forces pilots will launch a normal 'routine' patrol, but instead will head out to Tau-31, and sit on the lane waiting for the transport that has Captain Hobart. These pilots will disable this transport and get the Captain, and retreat back to the McDuff. This part of the mission should be easier then the next part.
The next part of the two part mission. Un-uniformed Armed Forces pilots, dressed as Civilians. Marines onboard a Civilian transport, disguised as Refugee's. This civilian convoy will head through Liberty.
This is the part I'll need the Volunteer's on."
He paused once more and the sound of a chair spinning could be heard.
"The Wing, and Civilian transport will enter through Galileo, break off the lane and continue towards the prison station, staying out of the battleships sensor range. We will not have any other support.
Knowing how the Kusari Navy will react they'll try and seal off gates. This is where our lads in Tau-31 push towards Kyushu. If they fail to push to Kyushu, our transport and civilian wing will need to retreat back to Liberty space. Kusari Forces will most likely not persue us back into Liberty space, as they don't want to damage the relationship between Liberty and Kusari.
If this mission goes smoothly, I'll be expected to face charges from Admiralty. If this mission goes...not so smoothly, Well...we'll all be in a Kusari prison." He laughed lightly "Or a Liberty Jail."
"As I said, I want Volunteer's that are ready to die for the Queen, and will put up a fight to do so.
Austin Goodmen, Out."
Transmission Terminated
//Right, My idea for the upcoming event(s). Reply here in Roleplay, and Reply here for OOC comments on this idea. If you reply to this topic in OOC on the other one, please use "Prison Break" somewhere in the comment. Thank you.//
Smirks as I listen to the message, and then click the reply button and speak into my headset.
"About Bloody Time!" A Laugh arose through the recording, "It's a-given that I'm coming with ya mate, I thought I'd just leave a note here to encourage the other chaps. We'll save Hobart AND Ashley... And Kusari will be dumbfounded by it. Who else wants to ride with the BAF's Most Daring and Insane Duo?! Come On And Get yourself a Part of This!"
The recorder beeped and I clicked a few buttons to send it, and I laid back and relaxed, Glad to know the waiting was finally coming to an end.
"The pen is mightier than the sword." -Edward Bulwer-Lytton. "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword never encountered automatic weapons." -General Douglas MacArthur