Hello. Last time i was surfing on internet, looking for some nice stuff, made it from freelancer. I stop on still created mod Crossfire 1.8 and get shock. Guy made awesome work that i wanna show you all and say little about, what will be nice, when something similar have disco:D
A New Sector, that is in 1.7 propably, but when i get this mod (1.7, 1.8 is not full exist for now) i made something like 10 - 15 Hours, and i dont find enter to this sector * shamed * . As you see, there is nomad, Don'kavash ( something for keepers:D*smile* ) and coalition systems. I think it will be preaty nice to have this in Disco. Coalition will get more populatet like keepers too, that will be some new, so i think if i had option to discover, i will spend many times there.
New Textures of Nommie base. Last time when i dock on Tohoku, was in 4.84 and in SP, dont know how is in 4.85, but when i dock last time, there was textures of space. Not so nice looks :/
And last thing, new base textures. it says that is coalition base, but i think that would be better for nomad base, all purple and all.
So, in my opinion ( specially 1. point) is awesome. I dont think that i play in crossfire, cause that is not so RP and have very too crazy things, but that SWAT guy made good work. I dont think so too, that will be in disco, that is not Igiss work, so no way, but if someone not see this, maybe wanna get shocked like me:D.
This is my first Large Topic, so please be nice, but of course say your opinion. Sorry for my bad english, i hope someone will understand that. And, i dont know that i choose right Sub-Forum :/ . Well i will see, hope i dont get banned for that. And of course Disco is the best !!:D
Don't think nicking stuff from crossfire is a nice thing to do tbh. The creator(s) worked hard on it, and to nick it would be more than mildly insulting.
And I'm not saying 'copy the ideas' but some of the elements, starscapes, planet textures, base/tradelane/gate design, planetary 'systems' should be more looked into.
I remember somebody saying recently that planet textures could be recoloured/altered but we don't know how to make them from scratch. Well this certainly shows it is possible.
Also, bravo to SWAT, it does look like there's some impressive features, I may have a gander at it when released.
Crossfire does have a lot nice stuff in it. I played that mod for a while, really liked what I saw but found it to be just too different from the original game (and the players on the servers to be too mean).
I played this after beating the SP Campaign back on 4.83. I heard that there was an extended SP Campaign, but I couldn't find where the extra missions were, along with the Altair Sector and stuff like that. However, the stuff was very nice and I was intrigued by the Coalition surviving along with Sol, but I didn't have the patience to look for the Altair Sector or the Nomad/Daam K'Vosh Systems.
However, seeing the development of v1.8 has gotten me interested again and I might take a break from Discovery to experience Crossfire again once the new version comes out. However, I am somewhat ticked off that development has been delayed by A WHOLE FREAKIN YEAR. 1.8 was announced August 2008 and now it's August 2009...
Carlos Rivera: Corsair Brotherhood Pirate - Retired, shifted to Tripoli Shipyard's Research and Development engineering teams Anthony Cameron: Guild Core Bounty Hunter - Killed in Action, committed suicide after being trapped in Omicron Minor following its destruction Juan Ruiz: Outcast Ghost of Razgriz Pirate - Killed in Action, killed by the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army during Bretonian piracy raid Michael Winchester: Liberty Security Force Agent - Missing in Action, likely killed during Rheinland espionage mission or trapped in Rheinland Space Eric McCormick: Order Pilot - Retired, shifted to planetside training of new recruits
' Wrote:However, I am somewhat ticked off that development has been delayed by A WHOLE FREAKIN YEAR. 1.8 was announced August 2008 and now it's August 2009...
Look at how long it took to release Discovery 4.85, and that's with quite a few people working on it. Looking at some of the screenshots of the Crossfire mod, it definitely looks cool, although gameplay also depends on the people with whom you play, not just on how well the mod is done. After all, Discovery is admittedly not the absolute best mod of all (and it is very good, but there are some feats done with other mods that Discovery simply hasn't topped yet), but the fact is that the server is vibrant with life and has a lot of good people on it.
I may try out the Crossfire mod when it comes out, just to take a look at what it's like first-hand.
The difference is that with Discovery, no actual release date was given. It was all speculation. However, the creator wrote that Crossfire would be released in August 2008.
One year later, it's still not here. I'm willing to cut him slack because he's doing most of it himself, but I still don't like that he gave us a release date and didn't follow through with it.
Also, I'm not going to do Crossfire for the server. Making new characters while keeping up with the ones on Discovery takes up too much of my time. I just want to try their SP Campaign because they apparently extended it and also try their ships/weapons and fly in the new systems.
Carlos Rivera: Corsair Brotherhood Pirate - Retired, shifted to Tripoli Shipyard's Research and Development engineering teams Anthony Cameron: Guild Core Bounty Hunter - Killed in Action, committed suicide after being trapped in Omicron Minor following its destruction Juan Ruiz: Outcast Ghost of Razgriz Pirate - Killed in Action, killed by the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army during Bretonian piracy raid Michael Winchester: Liberty Security Force Agent - Missing in Action, likely killed during Rheinland espionage mission or trapped in Rheinland Space Eric McCormick: Order Pilot - Retired, shifted to planetside training of new recruits
Crossfires a nice mod, I like the whole coalition thing and SOL omg *closes eyes*..so awesome! And the dom kavash are cool to. We cant just nab stuff off thier mod though, they have copyright.