Quote:Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 will feature a new online gaming mode called Douche Hunt, where the loudest players become the targets to eliminate. Players are given a douche rank by how loud and annoying they are. This rating stays with players and only goes down over a long period of time, even if a player stops using their headset. Also, there is currently a petition going around that supports adding this feature to Halo 3.
I want this game, so bloody much I'm willing to sell my stuff for it.
This mode may end up with me being the target at times since according to the gaming community I'm a part of, I'm loud yet bloody hilarious.
Looks good so far. Customized Kill Streaks, May more weapons (Including my favorite the TAR-21) and some more. Plus it has 2 player Online Co-Op mode.
Thats the one thing I loved of WaW aside from Zombies. Single Player Campaign Co-Op. Lots of fun especially with death cards.
It's always so much more fun to team up and play online with buddies where we all win or lose together. That's why I've been waiting for more co-op single player games.
Involving humans on the receiving end always has it's downsides as well as upsides.
Getting it for PC ... i kinda ... don't like to play those games on ps or something like ... its stupid without mouse ...:D... played all CoDs for PC and i like them all
' Wrote:Getting it for PC ... i kinda ... don't like to play those games on ps or something like ... its stupid without mouse ...:D... played all CoDs for PC and i like them all
PC ftw!
Alot more options when it comes to content thanks to mods. Hopefully the support from IW is better and PC isnt left out alone.
More MP content reveled today and yesterday. Dual SMGs, Handguns, Killsteaks, Death Streaks, list goes on.