-- Incoming Transsmission--- --ID: Synth foods, Head Of shipping---
Greetings, I hope this message finds you well.
Manufacted on Ames Research station, Are Video Catalouges,Games, Films, ETC.
We at Synth Foods, Wish to supply these materials to the Entertainment starved Men On thw Sigma 19 Gate construction site. Our Main Issue Upon Contacting you, Is the fact that these materials Lack a verified Digital Signal, and thus, Record on most Scanners as "Counterfit". As you Can see, this is an issue. Fully, Said articles are not fraudulent in anyway! We would ask That we are given permission to ship these materials To The Okiniwa Sigma 19 Gate construction site.
We have taken the liberty of drafting up a Agreement of sorts, But if you deny us permission, Simply return it With the No Figure higlighted in red, If you Do Accept, Return the yes Portion, highlighted in green.
1) Synth Foods Inc,.(hereafter specified as the Petitioner) Has permission to ship Digital Materials without a verified signature Thru Kusari, To the Sigma 19 Gate construction site.
2) The Police of Kusariwill not sieze said materials, for lack of knowledge asto their Compoition or use
3) the petitioner will not deliver them elsewhere.
4) the petitioner will Strive to make their stay In Kusari as short as is possible
5) The petioner will not be liable for use of said Software materials
6) The petitioner will not Knowingly transport Actually Fraudulent Materials
7) The petioner will ensure High quality of transported materials.
8) The petioner will hereby Make all efforts to comply with the wishes of the Kusari government, So long as they are reasonable.
YES(higlight IN green if you Accept) NO(highlight iN red if you decline)
Thank you for your time, esteemed Officials Of kusari
...From: Taishō Hikaru Sulu, KNF High Command
...To: Synth foods, Head Of shipping
...Subject: Re: Special Liscencing Sought
according to our knowledge the items described can be all manually imprinted with a valid digital signature, the one of luxury goods.
Luxury goods does not require any special license.
Items that have a widely aknowledged illegal signature cannot be approved to be legally transported regardless of the circumstances.
In its original nature this request is therefore not accepted.