Today is the day when the second official Discovery server, Discovery Freelancer PvP 24/7, is launched. The server is successor of Rogue Ideas 24/7 server and will be administered by BULLDOGNK, the server owner, and Igiss.
There are many reasons for creating this new Discovery realm. Discovery main 24/7 server has officialy become a role-playing one several months ago (and recieved "RP" part of its name). The new server will provide PvP gameplay not limited by strict role-playing and ID tag restrictions imposed on our RP server. This, of course, does not mean that there will be no rules at all; most Discovery rules that are not RP-related will stay. This applies to rules of conduct, rules related to cheating, PvP abuse, and others. You can read the complete set of Discovery PvP rules in this forum thread. Server is running the most recent Discovery beta, 4.83 beta 4.
Name of the new server is Discovery Freelancer PvP 24/7
IP is
The new server is open for new players, and you are welcome to join right now! We have set 10 million starting credit amount and neutral reputation for all newcomers. All former Rogue Ideas accounts are still available and can be used for playing. I will encourage Discovery RP 24/7 server players to start accounts on the new server, not only those who prefer PvP playstyle but everyone else as well. You can help us immensely by participating in new server's events, testing balance of different weapons and ships in harsh PvP environment, and even create factions on the new server.