Avatars and personal profile pictures can be hosted on the forum. He's deleting those. The ones you're posting in message dumps are hosted on imageshack, photobucket etc..
Signature violates 1.7, please resize:
1.7 - Pictures that exceed 700px width or signatures that exceed 700*250px*3 MB are not allowed on the forum.
' Wrote:Avatars and personal profile pictures can be hosted on the forum. He's deleting those. The ones you're posting in message dumps are hosted on imageshack, photobucket etc..
Nope. You can host images (or other files, for that matter) on the site, and those are the ones that will be deleted. When you open the posting page - the full one, of course, not the quick reply field -, there is a field for file attachments underneath a few checkboxes for various things. Those are the files that will be removed, not avatars. Profile pictures, I'm not sure.
All other files will be. If you have any files of value, consider hosting them elsewhere, or (less favorable) save them and attach to the posts that will lose them again. We warned long ago that the forum cannot be considered a reliable file storage. Attachments (unlike PMs and forums in general) are cleaned regularly, we need to do this about 2 times a year.
There's about 24 hours for you remaining to save all necessary stuff.