Mister/Miss admin guys/gal!,
Your loyal servant has a humble request in a most dire situation. You see, my lords (*cough*Apart from DarkStar), I have had the trouble of losing access to all of my ships with a computer problem, as most of you probably know. Unfortunately, I found that today, the day I finally fix my computer, that my back-up for my accounts was stepped on and broken by none other than... My parents. My poor, poor flash drive...
So... My most humble request, dear lords, is the removal of the characters and compensation in whatever form you are willing to give me. (*cough* Cost of ships + equipment = really nice! *cough*)
I would kiss your feet if you would do this one thing for me! I have had such bad luck in the past!...
Humbly yours,
So, yeah. For probably the fifth time (I've honestly lost count) I'm going to have to start over from scratch. Usually I got whatever money I had extra on the characters and the rest were eliminated. Now, I would like to request that I can get the worth of the ships because, well, I'd be taking probably a 100,000% loss in money and would probably have to spend from now until the next player wipe trading to get my ships back. I cannot say they were cheap in the first place, and now... Oh I'm such a bad trader!!
Hey Virus, there is this wonderful thing called... EMAIL! You can mail your account number to yourself and prevent it from dieing in cases of computer meltdowns (they're common with you..) and parents feet.
' Wrote:Hey Virus, there is this wonderful thing called... EMAIL! You can mail your account number to yourself and prevent it from dieing in cases of computer meltdowns (they're common with you..) and parents feet.
Hey, screw you, man.. How was I supposed to know that my flashdrive was going to be crushed!!? Its been sitting on a shelf for a couple of months!
Oh Virus would I ? Laugh, me never. I will say I told you so though, what did I say, be old fashioned, write
it down somewhere, print it out ... No you had to be 21st century technology reliant ... Again !
I am really sorry mate *snigger*, but it is becoming a bi-annual event now. Summers coming must be time
for Virus's comp to melt. Oo look snow, Virus will be warming himself on his power supply soon ...
Jeez man, I'm the consummate computer dummy, and I don't get half this trouble.
Don't ever get a job working on mechanical or electronics things will ya.
I'm sure the powers that be have a 'Bail Virus out again fund' stashed somewhere now ... If not, try talking to
Night, very very nicely.
Missing ya
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
I hope you get a good lot of $$$ from the Admins. Email is good, and writing, printing and general old fashioned stuff. Remember, ships nowadays have sonar and many guidance systems, but they all carry around good old fashioned maps just in case.
*scurries off to Email self*
Just in case your computer does melt, buy a few fans and stick them in the mounts on your case (old computers like my last gen one came with no system fans:dry:). However, cold/winter is good for PC's, so dont put it in the microwave to get the snow off, just in case somthing happens...:lol:
Hope to see you back soon Virus:D
@Hood: I should be warming myself on my 850 watt power supply! Not him:P! Also, you might not get as much trouble because you are either very lucky, or just refuse to tinker with your PC. Tinkering really kills PC's nowadays...
Oh god. My sister does that. She's suddenly become obsessed with ponography (why, dear god?) and as such I have to go hunting down all the little cookies and viruses left around. I have three spyware systems, two virus-killers, and two firewalls (and they still don't work).
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
' Wrote:Oh god. My sister does that. She's suddenly become obsessed with ponography (why, dear god?) and as such I have to go hunting down all the little cookies and viruses left around. I have three spyware systems, two virus-killers, and two firewalls (and they still don't work).
Well, I'll let you in on a secret: That's why they don't work! Really, it's like two people trying to drive a single car at the same time.
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor