Due to unexpected balance issues, the Battleship (Slow-Turn) mod option was removed from Discovery.
From this day and now on, using this mode on any Discovery servers will be considered cheating and treated accordingly. The option is no longer available in the final mod release. We apologize for inconvenience, but there's no other choice.
This rule will be included into our official server rules both for RP and PvP servers.
Nightstalker actually doesn't remain silent, he's even registered on this forum and visits it sometimes. He did reply my mail not long ago, and the question regarding the new ships is still open.
As for the code, no, it won't be any use if I borrow it. It won't even be a problem if I could take the code from another mod and insert it into Discovery... problem is that if I try to do so (of course I tried), more serious problems appear, or the settings simply don't work as they should.