[font=Courier New]Rheinland Military High Command Announcement
From this moment on, every vessel with the designation [Orden-RT] is declared enemy of Rheinland and is to be shot on sight. Negotiations with this group did not end successfully.
[color=#CC0000]Every Rheinland Military pilot has explicit orders to destroy vessels of this group whenever they are encountered.
Approach them with extreme caution, as they have proven to be extremely dangerous.
[color=#FFFFFF]Subject: Orden-RT KoS Order From: Major General Auztin Engels, Rheinland High Command To: All Rheinwehr Piloten
I endorse this order, we have tried to negotiate and they did not respond. We have tried every last measure to resolve this, They shot innocent traders and civilians and caused chaos. They crossed the line when they shot one of our very own piloten, well we will shoot back.
Major General Auztin Engels
[color=#FF0000][Ends Transmission]
Recipient of the Hispania Memorium, Golden Fourragere, Halo of Valor, Order of the Red Star, and the Hero of the Revolution
Orders are crystal-clear. I was 'lucky' enough to withness one of these people attacking a neutral transport near Planet New Berlin and fleeing right after it. Adjusting sensors to track the traitor ships and attacking as soon as the targets are encountered.