I have a IMG tagged & id'd Gunboat that I was trying to get a corsair rep bribe on Boa Vista station in Omega 50. I paid for it 3 times but it in only took it to the upper end of neutral & when I left the station my rep went back to hostile.
' Wrote:I have a IMG tagged & id'd Gunboat that I was trying to get a corsair rep bribe on Boa Vista station in Omega 50. I paid for it 3 times but it in only took it to the upper end of neutral & when I left the station my rep went back to hostile.
IF I am not mistaken, IMG has a few reps "FLHook'ed" to enemies permanently, which means you won't be able to change them whatever you do.
Certain IDs are configured via FLHook to automatically reset the reputations for hostile factions to what they belong. In this case, the IMG do very much detest the Corsairs, and their ID does do the reputation fix, which is why you won't be able to augment your reputation with the Corsairs unless you drop the IMG ID. (Which, of course, if you want to play as an IMG character, is not a liable solution.)
Yeah, we were playing with IMG/Outcast rep a few hours ago to solve the problem of the waves and waves of OC NPCs attacking us while we mine in Tau-37... No such luck. Just won't work. Damn FLHook.
IMG+Corsairs should be unfriendly not hostile, imo. its also a pain to get nailed by a swarm of titan npcs. I but I guess this was installed due to prevent idiots from landing on Corsairs bases.
Yeah, this doesn't make too good roleplay sense, but it's to prevent:
IMG lolwhut: Ohai der, I get corsair gunboat since we is allies.
Corsair: No, undock off Crete right now.
IMG lolwhut: u can't get me!!!
Corsair: Sanction report, harming server gameplay...
If they are going to do it that way then they need to change the faction enemies list on the rep tables. The rep list does not show them as being automatically hostile to each other.