We have also gotten information from a tipster that Battlefield 3 will be similar to Battlefield 2 and will support up to 40 players per team. (80 Person Multipayer)
There will also be 24 different vehicles that you can choose from and 17 different weapons. Like Battlefield 2, the game will also feature unlockable equipment.
Its old news (Jun 10th but I never heard of it until now)
What!? How come theres no information about it on EA websites and such?
Another thing: That image to the right of the announcement is of BF bad company 2 I think. Bad company 2 is in development will be realeased next year...maybee thats what they meant?
1943 is coming to PC also soonish. No release date but joystick support, 32 player Multiplayer, optimized Frostbite Engine for PC and a few more features.
No images of it yet so people and sites are posting BF:BC2 and BF1943 pictures.
I so want BF:BC2
I am a big of of BF:BC and I have to say the things they will implement in BC2, especially upgraded building destruction is going to be awesome.