Ok, if any of you played solo version of the game you all know that Blood Dragon High Comand is very much allies with the Order and also were in High Comand of the Order. Lord Hakua leader of the Blood Dragons showed us that. And, that would never change. All of Liberty would still be allies with The Order due to the fact they saved the President. Bretonia on the other hand would be against The Order. Since after all The Queen did get captured by the Nomads and they never did not mention what happened to her.
And, also The Wild would be better known as it's true self. The Coalation. The Coalation started the war in Starlancer. The Nomads started the war. That was why the Nomad ship came to Sol to destroy the system.
Remember the introduction movie to both versions. The war was fought for over 100 years and no one could remember why the war was started in the first place.
Now in the same exact storyline in Freelancer. No one knows why Rhineland is truely attacking Liberty, Bretonia, and Kusari in the first place. All we know is that there are 2 sides The Order and The Nomads. I say we revote for the storyline name of The Wild to their true name The Coalation and that Liberty Lawfuls and all Unlawfuls would be allied to The Odrer. And make Bretonia, Rhineland, and Kusari lawful enemies along with Nomads and The Coalation which I call them due to remaining true to the Storyline.
And, Chinese got eliminated by the Nomads in the original intro. Sol Sustem is gone. It would have cost production 250K to redo the invasion of Sol System by Nomads. And, then it would have wrecked the start-up of the game since you would have realized this was a war between The Order and Nomads.
Even though Tekagi died Majority of Kusari High Command would still be infected with Rhineland and also Bretonia. Which brings to the conclusion Freelancer 2. There needs to be a sequel. But, with Digital Anvil out of business. Freelancer 2 would not be made and we should make Discovery Freelancer 2 and stick to the storyline.
I have read every press release on this game and according to Digital Anvil Not 5 or 8 but 14 Skeeper Ships were made only 5 made it to Sirrus. Another thing The Nomads map was not just to Sirrus but to the whole entire Universe which means there would be a lot more Systems and perhaps galaxies destroyed. And, Nomads would even be more of a threat in Sirrus. Exception of Liberty. Where Liberty would have increased patrols.
Read the end log and you would realize all unlawfuls and Liberty would be the only allies in The Order. Bretonia relieved Tobias of command. I believe the Nomads definately infected Bretonia, Kusari, and still have Rhineland in control. The ending definately left more question marks than fillfilling the storyline.
Think of Nomads like this they eliminate galaxies and sytems. How do you destroy a galaxy inhabitated by enemies. First infect high comand and their leaders. Once they are infected. And, they have been weakened by attacks. They bring in their invasion force and finish them off. Which in Starlancer actually happened. Both Alliance and Coalation lost a lot of lives. Enough for Nomads to destroy Sol System, in original intro. Why The Exodus is so important. In Freelancer Storyline. Nomads started it again in the start-up of Freelancer. But, you do not know anything about Nomads Until halfway through the game.
Remeber Starlancer was an FPS not a RPG. So Nomads very much could have infected Coalation High Command.
According to one of the Outcasts on Malta 8 ships were launched and 3 were destroyed by Coalation Forces and 5 made it to Sirrus System. Which makes me wonder wre the other 6 are. Did they even finish producing the ships or were they launched to another galaxy.
Game made it to E3 in 1999 and was not released till 2003. That is a 6 year gap. They could have made a better storyline and made the ending a lot better in those 6 years without all the question marks and leaving a huge cliffhanger ending.
I saw the alternate intro recently, and I didn't like it. For one thing....
The Nomads destroy Sol system utterly with some kind of huge Death-star-esque superweapon. Just didn't seem to be any point.... and besides, what's stopping them wiping out all Sirius like bugs in the same way???!!!!