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Joined: Aug 2009
Staff roles: Server Manager Coding Dev Moderator
Been there since Vanilla.
There have been several attempts at removing it I think, but it causes instability...
It is possible and (AFAIK) it doesn't bug your character file if an admin manually moves a character over accounts to achieve more than 5.
I HAVE managed to get 6 characters without that - was a /renameme bug.
Yeah - FLAM is a life saver. I have 11 accounts I have access to, 6 shared accounts and 5 of my own. Each of the shared accounts has 1 or 2 characters on them - bombers, repair ship, etc. My accounts - well, I have 17 different ships available. Granted, almost everyone is in one of two factions, and several of my characters have multiple ships available - that means I only have to keep track of 10 different personalities. It's fun being schizoid like that. <NO IT'S NOT!> <<yes, it is!>> <<<Shut up over there, I'm trying to read!>>>
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
Quote:Yeah - FLAM is a life saver. I have 11 accounts I have access to, 6 shared accounts and 5 of my own. Each of the shared accounts has 1 or 2 characters on them - bombers, repair ship, etc. My accounts - well, I have 17 different ships available. Granted, almost everyone is in one of two factions, and several of my characters have multiple ships available - that means I only have to keep track of 10 different personalities. It's fun being schizoid like that. <NO IT'S NOT!> <<yes, it is!>> <<<Shut up over there, I'm trying to read!>>>
that one made me laugh. I imagine all those char plus the RL one.
I know I also wanted to have more than 5 chars and then I found out about the FREELANCER ACCOUNT MANAGER Go download Just search in Google and download form Korrd's website
to make a new account you need to make a new user on your comp,
then use freelancer on it,
when you start multiplayer it will make a new account
export it usin FLAM and then you have 2 accounts
Look out for the killer of many star systems. STARKILLER | Thanks to ed-philips for the sig. | Have money to spare. Great, send it to [*USI*]Houston[T]. Your money will go towards funding the ''Clear out NY of lolwuts'' Campaign. Or a battle Razor will blow them to Omicron Iota. | Starkillers Story