I apologise if this has been talked about before(whether alone or part of a bigger topic). I didnt see any previous posts.
How does people feel about reducing the density of rocks in systems like Omega 5, Omicron Gamma etc.
Im only saying this as i was cruising along in a Bretonian Destroyer earlier today - not even a high class ship. From Cambridge to Theta, then into Gamma and up to the Unknown jumphole.
The autopilot doesnt stand a chance, lets face it, and in gamma it actually got stuck, not just for a short while, but stuck at 0m/s on a rock, it couldnt get turned round because of another rock.
When piloting manually, usually in cockpit view, i do a good bit better, but this means taking a long winding path to the destination, and i also cant see the rest of my ship.
It just seems to me, if you take a game and add ships of many orders of magnitude bigger than the standard fighters the game was designed for, maybe you could also decrease the density of asteroid fields.
i say make the rocks more spaced out and make the small ones able to be moved around cause i fly a Outcast Dread and a Liberty Dread i try to get to Gamma and theta that takes me about 30-45 minutes to do...
I like them they way they are. I believe it makes the game more dynamic. The only reason I fly a Whale freighter is because the thing can dodge those rocks. It makes the Corfu run fun. Besides I have had more than one flabbergasted pirate try to chase me through there. They don't expect any large ship to do so well. Nice bit is, if they do chase me into 41 I can loose them in the mines or do a very close flyby of the neutron star.
(Singing)You cant touch this...Nanana nan nana You Can't touch this....
Sort of stops everyone whoring their battleships around the place with ease. Not supposed to be simple to
move them anyway. Leave the asteriods as they are, just how uncomplicated would you like this game ?
Advantage for some, disadvantage for others. Get used to flying manually, everyone else manages it
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
It's obvious, use a smaller ship or use the trade lanes.That's it.
You don't send tanks through woods for the same reason you shouldn't pilot a battleship through an asteroid field, because nature will always, always win.
Plus, it's a good tactical disadvantage for battleships. I can assault you from an asteroid field and retreat into the field where you can't retaliate. Same for large freighters, I can nab your cargo and then fall back without you blowing me to hell.
Agreed Tortured. That is more or less how the IMG got the hood. the hoods captain was dumb enough to follow the mollys into a astroid field with mines no less!