Well, twice now, I've assisted Liberty lawfuls in the destruction of "Jerek.Zhoran" who is a Spyglass. I don't know who this guy is, but I've never heard him speak, only seen him lolpewing in Lawlyork.
This is rather OORP conduct, regarding the nature of the Spyglass, and I would appreciate it if Jarek would post here so we can work out some kind of arrangement regarding your use of it. Just popping up in NY daily with a new Spyglass is... Annoying.
I've seen him twice in NY and both times he engages OORP. Just out of the blue he presents himself in front of Planet Manhattan, and starts with "Engaging lawfuls"
Gives me good opportunity to get my Liberty Carrier and kick the hell out of him (Twice already :-)
This fool shot at me while i was at Corfu Refueling, no warning hahahaha needless to say
i took him away from Corfu and destroyed him...silly silly man hahahahaha.
User was banned for: Waratah
Time left: (Permanent)
I dont know what is worst, the complains about this "Jarek" or the way he interacts with players..
DONT act like kids, if you find him doing something OORP, or OOC, take screens and you know the rest (or maybe you should know...)
You dont see every player coming here saying:
- Oh i see "Player" acting very OORP...
- That player is always killing without any warning ( but i really do nothing about it. unless complaining)..
- I like this player it amuses me to kill him.
<span style="font-family:Comic Sans Ms"> Being in NY sistem all the time, means you are a lolwutt...</span>
' Wrote:Well, twice now, I've assisted Liberty lawfuls in the destruction of "Jerek.Zhoran" who is a Spyglass. I don't know who this guy is, but I've never heard him speak, only seen him lolpewing in Lawlyork.
This is rather OORP conduct, regarding the nature of the Spyglass, and I would appreciate it if Jarek would post here so we can work out some kind of arrangement regarding your use of it. Just popping up in NY daily with a new Spyglass is... Annoying.