I put this in server announcements but no one's managing that fast enough, when they do this thread can be deleted. I might have what the community needs however i'm not sure so before i officially offer to host the server i'm hosting a test server. I need 200 people to fill the server and see if it crashes, i don't think it will but this will give me an idea of my PC's hosting capabilities. Server name is Capability Test:DiscoveryRP24/7 IP:
Everyone please make a temporary new character and log on for prime-time hours.
Cross your fingers!
Edit: Ehem... um try this IP: If that doesn't work i'll get back to you. Please provide feedback and tips until test is concluded... first i need to get people on it. The console keeps trying to connect to server list... i'm guessing the one that microsoft or whoever it was doesn't host anymore.... I'm not sure if this is an issue but i would prefer it to take a chill pill.
Also my "Default Gateway" is not sure if that's relevant for this setup.
Millers instructions followed. Console chill pill is in effect. I also noted that under the server list it said port: 2300 this has been changed to the common 2302. Um... by 'comment out' you mean highlight and replace right?
Alex asked, "Sure you got your router setup to forward data to" NO i'm not sure however i do have the port specified from issues i had in the past. If there is a specific procedure that i need to conduct to host please do post.
"You might also have to open up ports for UDP traffic on your router, and forward them to the local IP, in order for internet side clients to connect." If i do still have to do this i'll need procedure instructions. I have moderate rudimentary computer skills but there is PLENTY of things i have no idea how to do but I, of course, can learn.
Miller and I are working to get the server ready for testing. However i'm dealing with several issues and its difficult to set time aside when me and miller can get back to it.
' Wrote:I put this in server announcements but no one's managing that fast enough, when they do this thread can be deleted. I might have what the community needs however i'm not sure so before i officially offer to host the server i'm hosting a test server. I need 200 people to fill the server and see if it crashes, i don't think it will but this will give me an idea of my PC's hosting capabilities. Server name is Capability Test:DiscoveryRP24/7 IP:
Everyone please make a temporary new character and log on for prime-time hours.
Cross your fingers!
Alrighty i cannot see it know but when is up i;ll go the other severs and round up everyone (well try) and all join this new one.
' Wrote:Server name is Capability Test:DiscoveryRP24/7 IP:
That is a nonroutable class C private network IP address, which can't be seen outside your own LAN.
Read up on RFC1918, for more information on private network address space.
You need to check what IP address your connection uses on the WAN side of your router.
' Wrote:I put this in server announcements but no one's managing that fast enough, when they do this thread can be deleted. I might have what the community needs however i'm not sure so before i officially offer to host the server i'm hosting a test server. I need 200 people to fill the server and see if it crashes, i don't think it will but this will give me an idea of my PC's hosting capabilities. Server name is Capability Test:DiscoveryRP24/7 IP:
Everyone please make a temporary new character and log on for prime-time hours.
Cross your fingers!
ugh 192.168 is a private IP.. is this some sort of rick roll or what
' Wrote:Someone give Millers his custom title now. He doesn't deserve to wait until 2,000 posts to get the "Internet Guru" title.
Thanks, but no thanks. I'm no Internet Guru. I admit I make my living in the IT sector and quite comfortably so, but I know how much I do not know, ergo I'm no guru.
Leonardo might be interested in that title though... Bestow it on him when he has caught the scriddie via his backtracing of AIM and whatnot..:cool:
Out of bats, Out of bots, Out of torps - Down to harsh language...
' Wrote:The console keeps trying to connect to server list... i'm guessing the one that microsoft or whoever it was doesn't host anymore.... I'm not sure if this is an issue but i would prefer it to take a chill pill.
The GUN server run by Microsoft has been shut down long time ago.
You can enable the alternative community run GUN server by editing one file :
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\EXE\freelancer.ini
Look at the [ListServer] section in that file, and add/enable the following line
hostname = gun.fllistserver.com
Comment out all other hostname = entries, except for the hostname = localhost entry, by placing a semicolon ( ; ) infront of the entry.
If you want to run without any listserver, then just comment all the hostname = entries out, except for the hostname = localhost.
Internet clients can still connect*, if they add the IP of your server to the shortcut with the -s parameter.
* If your router is configured correctly, and the UDP ports used by FLserver isn't blocked.
Out of bats, Out of bots, Out of torps - Down to harsh language...