ok...i just started playing this mod and have played the multiplayer for a few days now and have a few random questions.
1. what do you lose when you die? ship? cargo? weapons?
a. if you get looted does that mean they get your items or are they copies of your items (prob. a stupid question but i'm asking just for clarification sake.)
2. Are there ever faction wars? can a faction take over another's system?
3. Why so many restrictions on killing? can a pirate go into the NY system for example and just wreck havok?
a. Can a player role play as a psychotic serial killer or maybe just a heartless slayer of innocents?
4. What's the deal with bluecheese? what makes it sooo yummy?
that's all i can think of right now...i may have more later
1. When you die you will lose your cargo (Sometimes it stays), you don't lose your ship, you will lose unmounted weapons.
2. Yes there are faction wars, no they can not take over other faction systems.
3. Restrictions are there for a good thing... Without those this would just be a PvP server. (Though we have one of those, so if thats all you want thats the place to be)
3a. That has somewhat form of a terrorist, but you need to check within RP to do that.
someone who's say level 50 can't attack someone under 30 right?
and you have to scan someone before you shoot at them? so you ask them to drop there cargo first or after you scan can you just start blasting?
anything else i'm missing?
i prefer RP with a little PVP, just RP would get old without a little PVP and vice versa
reason i ask is like i say, i'm new and don't want to have misunderstood or misread the rules and get banned. it's a fun game so far, i played EVE online for a while and this reminds me of it a lot without the monthly fee.
i hope i'm making sense...and thanks again for the help
1) Can you have several characters in different factions? My main character, for instance is a Freelancer. If I decide I want to play as a Bounty Hunter and an Outcast, can I create on char for each faction and play whichever fits my mood?
2) Does my chosen faction limit my exploration? For instance, if I create a Molly character (if there is such a thing) do I have to stay in Bretonia and harass the police, Bretonian corporations, etc.
3) Where can I find a Guaurdian or Sabre or other kick-arse VHF? (D-Boy, what's that cool looking ship in your sig?)
4) What's the idea behind the $7m Poton cannon? (reminds me of the uber-gun from Wing Commander Prophecy)
@Q1 It depends on the faction(s). Most don't mind if you have a faction member and a freelancer, but it gets hairy when your a member of two factions that are at war with each other. For example, me being part of the KNF, and havening a blood dragon character.
Q2 Again depends on the faction.
Q3 Dboy has one of the Ravens in his sig, there hard to find, I wont tell you where they be sold. Discover is well discovery after all. I would suggest landing everywhere you go so you know what what and whats where. There does exist one reference, a certain reedme file. They are named reedme for a reason.
1) Can you have several characters in different factions? My main character, for instance is a Freelancer. If I decide I want to play as a Bounty Hunter and an Outcast, can I create on char for each faction and play whichever fits my mood?
Yeah you can i have a characters in a few different factions myself and read dumps you'll see guys posting in more than onne.
2) Does my chosen faction limit my exploration? For instance, if I create a Molly character (if there is such a thing) do I have to stay in Bretonia and harass the police, Bretonian corporations, etc.
Usually yeah so the RP looks good won't say factions haven't ran out of boundraries or mention any *cough* but most factions stay within their Zone of Influence (ZOI)
3) Where can I find a Guaurdian or Sabre or other kick-arse VHF? (D-Boy, what's that cool looking ship in your sig?)
Plenty of choices as in fighters you might even want to look into improved LFs that can mount class 9 weapons.
4) What's the idea behind the $7m Poton cannon? (reminds me of the uber-gun from Wing Commander Prophecy)
Yeah that gun does rock it's used for capship killing Gunboats, Cruisers,Destroyers,frigates, and battleships.
5) Why does skim milk give me gas?
Not touching this one.
Q4&5 you'll have to find out for yourself.