Who here knows about the Blanket Bounties? Well its a Bounty from the Government on any destroyed Unlawful Ship in their House. The Bounties normally are pretty low, like 100.000 Credits.
I say we HAVE to remove them, because of freaking Bounty Hunter PVPWhores shooting at everything is red.
Quote:Bounty notice
All bounties must be posted on the forum. If you attack another player to claim a bounty and the bounty is not posted on the forum, you are open to a PvP abuse sanction.
That rule was made to prevent people abusing the Bounty Hunter ID to just shoot at everything, but with that Blankets they can and are doing it.
"Who is it doing this synthetic type of alpha beta psychedelic funkin'?"
Blanket Bounties come with ship requirements and are low paying, something to do while waiting for a specific target to show up. Due to the rule involving bounties and the stricter requirement of needing to be posted the blanket bounties are further needed, the blanket bounties are further needed, otherwise there wouldn't be anything for the BH to do. You can say escorting but if that ends up the focus to the point of being %90 of a BH's work then it gets into the territory of being the Trader Escort Guild. On top of that further hassle is thrown into the whole mess when the specific bounty is placed on a player who uses game mech. to their advantage such as changing their names when they here of their bounty. Without blanket bounties the BH finds themselves with the only valid targets being the ones placed on established players who keep their chars as they are. In the long run we are left with no hous BH with the majority of them moving to the Omicrons to be BH Core in a big ship. Actually the tendancy is already in that direction. In my opinion the blanket bounties need to stay. It gives the BH something to do and when the BH are in "town" it gives the unlawfuls something to do. In fact, from my many routes through Liberty I had felt that the place needed a renewed effort on the side of BHG and I have seriously considered the idea of re-awakening the Strontium Dogs (S/D) to come back in our hunting packs.
I know why you posted this Schlurbi. (incident at the zoners base in penny)
well not all BHG kill just for cash you know. We fly around to catch smugglers and pirates who do unlawful thing. We are people of the law and do like the law says in the place where we are. For example Liberty they dont want LR to shoot their mining ships shipping silver so I engaged the LR near the zoner base when it attacked and destroyer one of those super transpots moving silver. And if you find that no reseaon to engage you go and attack miners when the BHG isnt around.
You know that the Bounty Hunters currently act as the Police?
Quote:Pilot carrying this ID is a member of the Bounty Hunters Guild, who :
* Can fulfill lawful bounty contracts,
* Can trade and escort traders,
* Can demand cargo or credits from ships carrying contraband and destroy them if they refuse to comply,
* Cannot ally with any unlawfuls,
* Cannot participate in any unlawful actions,
* Cannot use any Liner except the Prison Liner.
* Cannot use any transports with more than 3,800 cargo
I'd say remove the Blankets, add that the Bounty Hunter can engage the Pirate to defend the Trader, and really remove the right to demand contraband. The hell why should he even want to? He is only interested in searching for people who have a Bounty on their heads.
If that blanket Bounty would be removed the Bounty Hunters would be much better to roleplay -> Actually search for Bounties, then search the Victim and destroy it.
"Who is it doing this synthetic type of alpha beta psychedelic funkin'?"
' Wrote:I know why you posted this Schlurbi. (incident at the zoners base in penny)
well not all BHG kill just for cash you know. We fly around to catch smugglers and pirates who do unlawful thing. We are people of the law and do like the law says in the place where we are. For example Liberty they dont want LR to shoot their mining ships shipping silver so I engaged the LR near the zoner base when it attacked and destroyer one of those super transpots moving silver. And if you find that no reseaon to engage you go and attack miners when the BHG isnt around.
Kind regard SeaFalcon or SeaEagle
(PM about this incident if you want)
Nope, I didnt post because of that. I was always having a problem with the Blanket Bounties. If you would be here for some longer time you would know about it. If there wouldnt be a blanket bounty you wouldnt be able to engage me. Why would you even do? The hell youre not the police avenging a Trader, you should wait for the Trader to put a bounty on my head.
A real Bounty Hunter is only interested in freaking Cash, the more the better. Not being a Police.
The stuff I marked, thats the stuff you DONT do. Thats the stuff what the Police or even Navy does. You just search for Bounties or Escorts.
"Who is it doing this synthetic type of alpha beta psychedelic funkin'?"
' Wrote:Should have names on a list for a blanket bounty, and if spotted commiting a crime, added to it.
And then bountied.
This is a good idea. If the police see a guy pirating and he flee, they take a picture, put that guy on the most wanted list and let the hunters finish the job.
Blanket Bounties are not as bad as you make them out to be. I used to run the OC Blanket bounties, and there are other numerous examples; They don't pay as much, they usually have a fair amount of restrictions, and for the lawfuls, you usually have to catch the pirate in the act of committing a crime to grab the bounty. For example, the OC blanket bounty is one of the more higher-paying blanket bounties, however it also only targets certain factions. It isn't a 'kill all lawfuls' bounty. Most lawful blanket bounties are 'unlawfuls in that houses space.' You can't kill a Hessian in Rheinland and try to claim it in Liberty.
These aren't abused. As was already said here, they just give a little extra cash and something to do for bounty hunters and between the bigger jobs. You seem to think BHG are running rampant because of it, but honestly, BHG counts are the lowest they've been since 4.82. We wanted to get rid of the ridiculous BHG spam and abuse, not destroy the faction altogether.
' Wrote:This is a good idea. If the police see a guy pirating and he flee, they take a picture, put that guy on the most wanted list and let the hunters finish the job.
Thats already done by the LPI look here a link and read what it says. Also check the list.