<::|Out Of Character: Well after talking with Doc and a few people they gave me the great idea of how to RP my former Director so I thought why not, so the following RP from this character is strictly IC and I have no interest in taking away leadership or hard feelings for not getting Ageira, however I will still keep Quorgs terms in mind as I agree with him should Ageira fall into hard times something would have to be done. Other than that though I'm just looking for some fun RP.
Also, the original Stock Exchange Thread was deleted during a clean up so I have no proof other than my word as the creator of Ageira that this character had shares. Anyway I'm looking forward to what I have planned with this character should make some cool roleplay and if you need any advice I'll be happy to assist.|::>
***Incomming message***
**Senders ID : Samuel G. Burns, The Director of Ageira technologies**
*Senders Location : Unknown*
"Greetings Mister Brown, and let me say - It is nice to meet you. As I have stated before, I am an honest man. You will receive your shares after filling out some paperwork Rosie has prepared for you.
Talking about Ageira as a company, the leadership may have been changed, but we are not out of the woods yet. We will need all the helping hands we can get to kickstart the company back in business. Without people like you this can not be done.
As of this moment, we have a possition open for you at the company. You are going to be directly under me and you will be responsible about our diplomacy with independent pilots and zoners around Sirius. Also, you will be responsible of the shares, counting them and selling them, whenever theres a free bunch. For this I will grant you one of our shared Trains and the access to the Barge."