The Syndicate is a Quasi-Legal Organization that runs a number of Legal fronts to covertly hide it's other sub-organizations. The Syndicate aims to provide a better life for it's members but overall aims to gather credits, resources and influence across Sirius.
History: The Syndicate was formed in 810 A.S. by a number of Ex-Ageira/DSE Employees as well as former members of the Lane Hackers. They created the Syndicate to form a new way of life for it's members and because they were tired of life inside House Space. Operated from various ships and locations in Sirius mainly the Border and Edge Worlds the Vassild Syndicate began to grow gathering members from various sources including; Researchers looking to work without restrictions, Employees fired from various corporations, and other various locations. In 818 A.S. the first legit organization of the Syndicate was formed and planning began for the first of it's many events.
Zoners: Following the formation of the Vassild Syndicate the group sought it's most similar faction the Zoners for aid and shelter. Providing free services and any assistance the Zoners allow the Syndicate use of their bases so long as they abide by all Zoner Regulations.
Outcasts:The Syndicate is unofficially planning to have some of it's more "interesting" members propose an idea of importing their Cardamine to be sold and smuggled during VGF Events, while using the cover of supply ships it would make the import of Cardamine both safer and easier than smuggling it normally. This proposal would wish to make an allies with the Outcasts as they would be a logical choice for survival in the Edge/Border Worlds.
Orbital Spa & Cruise Being the type of organization it is both OSC and the Syndicate have much to gain by working together. The Vassild Gaming Federation provides entertainment across Sirius and because of this the Syndicate offers it's services to any and all OSC Liners wishing to attend the events.
Lane Hackers Being comprised of many Lane Hackers the Syndicate wishes to support it's former comrades with any assistance they can provide, the purchase of Information from both parties maintains friendly relations.
The Order:While the Syndicate has nothing officially to say about a group of people that do not exist, their own group which doesn't exist does. Services provided to the Order by the Syndicate or rather the Sirius Intelligence Network would benefit them greatly. Being able to go places that the Order cannot the Syndicate provide the Order with information they can not get themselves.
Main Houses: While it may be closer to just above unfriendly the Syndicate provides two things to the Houses that keep the Status-Quo. The Syndicate provides the houses with a place to conduct Research it would not want in it's own territory as well as access to S.I.N., while remaining legal to the public with the Vassild Gaming Federation. With the VGF hosting events that provide a much needed boost to the Economy in the times of war the Syndicate remains on neutral standing with the Houses for the time being.
Independent Corporations: The Independent Companies that dwell in the Border/Edge Worlds are vital for the Syndicate's Growth, being unfriendly to most of the House Corporations there are very few choices for required services.
Liberty Rogues: Diplomatic attempts to come in contact were met with hostility with claims of taking any cargo with force even when said cargo was on it's way to the Rogues. While no hostile action will be taken towards the Rogues, they will be avoided.
Unlisted House Corporations: Due to the basic fact that the Syndicate steals employees the House Corporations are not entirely accepting towards the Syndicate.
Xenos: Being a foreign entity the Xenos dislike the Syndicate trading within Liberty, while diplomatic talks are expected to be attempted at the moment Xenos are avoided but only engaged in Defense.
The Corsairs: Diplomatic talks have yet to begin but the suspected alliance with the Outcasts have put the Syndicate in unfriendly areas in the eyes of the Corsairs.
Bounty Hunters Guild: With the BHG operating in the Border/Edge Worlds the Syndicate runs the risk of them hindering their operations, because of this the Syndicate has yet to open any relations with the BHG and their ships are destroyed if seen operating near Syndicate operations.
Colonial Remnant:Due to recent hostile actions seen by the Syndicate against Malta the Syndicate has canceled it's plans to open communications with them and has order it's forces to assist any Outcasts being attacked by Colonial Forces.
Still Being Considered:(If your faction wishes to be in a specific place please PM me.)
Rheinland Unlawfuls
Kusari Unlawfuls
Bretonian Unlawfuls
Section II: Sub-Organizations
No IFF - OSC/Merc ID
Overview: The Vassild Gaming Federation is the heart of the Syndicates Legal Front. While some may consider it a bad influence the true of the matter is it's damn entertaining and provides this entertainment to everyone in Sirius. This and because those who operate it work very hard to ensure it abides by all House Laws depending on the House in which it is hosting an event. The VGF offers two types of services the Championship Fighting League and the Lottery in which it hosts at events.
Championship Fighting League:
Overview: The League is for the most part a non-lethal combat tournament though some accidents have occured. The VGF hosts one event in each House including a event for the Corsairs, and Outcasts and another one for each of the Unlawfuls who wish to fight for the title of Sirius' Top Ace. When all the tournaments have a winner a final Championship will be held with all the previous winners as combatants. The winner of this Championship will decide the winner of Sirius' Top Ace and a very large amount of credits.
Tournaments: Combatants will be put into four groups where a Round Robin combat system will be conducted until four remain. The winners will face of in the Semi-finals and than a final match will be held to announce the winners, a match for third place will be held as well.
Captain Liberty Championship:
Hosted In: Liberty
Restrictions: Liberty Lawfuls
Baron of Berlin Championship:
Hosted In: Rheinland
Restrictions: Rheinland Lawfuls
Need Names for the Following Tournaments:
Liberty Unlawfuls
Rheinland Unlawfuls
Kusari Unlawfuls
Bretonian Unlawfuls
Bounty Hunters
Anyone I may have forgot....
Luxury Liner
Various Civilian Fighters
No IFF - Researcher ID
Overview: The Vassild Syndicate has a number of ex-Ageira and Deep Space Engineering Employees, and the Syndicate has put this fact to use putting an extensive number of resources to Research & Development. Being a faction that operates outside of House Space it is free to conduct whatever type of research it wants without fear of being shut down by local authorities, and because of this reason many researchers have been moving to the Syndicate to continue their own private Research.
The Syndicate sells it's own developed projects but also allows clients to request the research & Development of it's own projects should the price be high enough, and the project possible. Currently based off the stolen Research ship Genesis, the Syndicate looks for any interested clients from houses who wish to conduct private research to other factions who cannot afford a research facility of their own.
Director of Research The Director is the one who controls the selling of Research, as well as organizing any requests. He may assign projects to Researchers and has the freedom to assign resources at will.
Senior Researcher: The Senior Researchers can accept projects from those who hire their services and can allocate resources if they require it.
Researcher: Researchers can only take jobs from the Director or a Senior Research but can conduct their own private research while getting permission to use Syndicate Resources.
Junior Researcher: The Junior Researchers are newly trained or hired researchers, they may only conduct research with the Director or Senior Researchers permission.
T-833-GB "Ahoudori" Kusari Explorer* (with proper Researcher ID terms)
X-Shuttle - X11 Deep Space/Atmospheric Civilian Freighter
"Corvo" Zoner Deep Space Explorer* (Limited, Pending Diplomatic Talks)
E78-12 "Spatial" Civilian Deep Space Explorer
Any Converted Transport, Freighter or Liner
Sirius Intelligence Network
Various IFF - Various ID's
Note: All members aside from Heart and Voice may belong to other organizations.
Overview: The S.I.N. is a organization belonging to the Vassild Syndicate, formed by Ex-Hacker Syndicate Members it's goal is to collect and sell valuable information to the various houses and organizations within Sirius. S.I.N while being a Quasi-Legal organization of the Vassild Syndicate attempts to remain neutral to all of Sirius by offering it's services equally to the highest bidder. The Syndicate accepts many different types of payments for the information including; Credits, Ships, Information, Cargo, Favors and more.
The collection of information is a tricky and at times risky business, while some information can be collected through legal means such as; the monitor of ships, purchase of information, ect.. Unfortunately though sometimes the required information requires an "alternative" means of being gathered, and while such ways are off the record they do occur. These alternative means can range from the infiltration of a organization to the extortion of said organization. To protect S.I.N. and more importantly the Vassild Syndicate all agents who are captured are equipped with specially installed components that erases the mind of a captured agent.
The Heart of S.I.N. - The Heart is the leader of the Organization and has direct control of the Sirius Intelligence Network. It is his job to ensure the collection of information remains constant and develop new ways of collecting it. He also maintains direct contact with certain members of the Syndicate and is the only link between the Syndicate and S.I.N.
The Voice of S.I.N.: The Voices are the ones responsible for maintaining contact with clients, sources and contacts. They are the diplomats and are the only ones that can be found over the Sirius Neural Net.
The Agents of S.I.N.: Agents are the information gatherers for the Sirius Intelligence Network, they are responsible for the collection and processing of information. Agents come in three different forms; The Hands, The Eyes, and The Ears.
The Eyes of S.I.N. - Otherwise known as Observers, they look for information that would benefit the Organization.
The Ears of S.I.N. - The ears are people who listen for information silently passing it on to the Organization when they get the chance.
The Hands of S.I.N. - Otherwise known as Infiltrators & in some cases Assassins, these agents specialize in finding specific information at any cost and can be given other missions as well.
IR-7 "Raven's Talon" Very Heavy Fighter
CLI-11000 "Arrow" Civilian Light Interceptor
CTE FR-2302-K Civilian Freighter
Renzu Corp "Anki" Civilian Freighter
BYC "Marauder" Civilian Heavy Fighter
CTE-6000 "Eagle" Civilian Very Heavy Fighter
CTE-19000 "Roc" Civilian Bomber
For Eyes and Ears of SIN, all ship types may be used depending on your own ID and IFF.
Overview: With eyes on the Syndicates front, the Syndicate has opportunities to conduct certain unofficial operations. The operations that would be conducted are many but initially would start small. The operations would be hidden covertly behind one of the legal fronts and all involved would have no direct link with the Syndicate itself.
Cardamine Smuggling: With the diplomacy with other Border/Edge World Factions a must the Syndicate looked to the Outcasts to become Allies. In hopes of sparking their interests the Syndicate would use it's Fronts (The Gaming Federation) to smuggle in Cardamine into the various houses.
Arms Dealing:With War and Piracy everywhere in Sirius the need for Arms is very high, and with the proper sources all can benefit from much needed Munitions and Military Equipment. The Syndicate would make use of both their own space (Once they get it.) and the VGF's events to conduct business with either the House or anyone else interested in acquiring the goods.
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So far, so good. You may want to expand upon the ships you intend to use. If you're unfriendly to Houses, it limits availability quite a bit so your diplomacy with edge world and border world factions becomes critical.
I'll add more as I think of it.
Rewrite - very good. I like the divisions between groups within the syndicate. I think that this sort of shadowy, many-tentacled organization could be great for roleplay within Sirius.
First: Writeup looks good, etc. I don't really have much to say on it, so it's time for my usual type of input - Ships and Equipment!
Suggestions for SIN ships:
Anki - "The heavy Anki freighter, drafted to house extensive communication and electronics packaging beneath thick slabs of plating, was originally designed to prove attractive to deep space contstruction crews operating beyond the range of reliable security... However, it's not unknown for the Zoners to have a few models on sale for otherwise unlawful organizations seeking a freighter with a robust electronic package and overwhelming firepower."
Civilian Freighter - "Advanced scanner thwarting software, internal debugging devices and dampening hull coatings work, under the pretence of corporate security, to ensure that this vessel provide an information black hole. Shady back room deals come in, media scrutiny stays out. "
R&D Ships:
X-Shuttle - "A light exploratory vessel, the X11 Deep Space/Atmospheric Shuttlecraft, commonly called the X-Shuttle, incorporates a module for atmospheric flight along with a cruise engine and, on top of its modest bulk cargo module, living space for a family or a decent science team. Because of its combined atmospheric and stellar travel capabilities, it is an ideal vessel for independent local geologic scanning, or surveying operations in distant systems. It has been used extensively to survey planets when the atmosphere prevents their carriers from mapping them in orbit. " Included in "any converted transport", I know, but this one specifically seems to fit perfectly.
Not sure what I'm going to do with this at the moment, with Ageira being a faction that need to be redone and built up again I'll probably put this mostly on hold. Ageira is a faction that I think is needed so I'll be putting aside my own project to get it going.