Modern|Trading has been sanctioned owing to a report posted on the 23/12/2009 for:
Quote:6.10 Player reputation and conduct must match player actions. For instance a player may not dock on a base belonging to the persons whom they are attacking or being attacked by.
Consequences: Moved out of House Space, 25 million credit fine.
Notes: The Corsairs don't like you anymore, especially when you dock on their station whilst they are trying to rob you. On your way back to House space (where you are not allowed) you docked upon Juneau Shipyard in Alaska (where you're not allowed to dock) . You're now on Corinth.
So, are you saying I am not allowed to dock while I'm being pirated? How am I supposed to flee then? And if one Corsair hates me, does that mean that every Corsair has to hate me automatically?