I need a ruling on this. I came into the O-gamma system to see pirate king thomas another pirate and a hessien.i told the pirates i intended to kill them.At this point pirate king F1'd out and then switched to his BS.
I still engaged and killed him along with the other pirate.At this point the hessien attacked,since i had no grudge with hessien's i decided to land and repair.This is when pirate king came out in his BS(same one or a new 1 not sure) and started firing on me again.This i beleive is not RP the switching of ship's and coming out and shooting when dead.I have screen shots of his first death.(If i can figure out how to post them).I was a bounty hunter tagged BS so i beleive it was my right to attack a pirate and kill him, and i beleive pirate king does have a price on his head. Nuff said let me know what you's guy's think i would like to here it.
Ryoken, generally speaking the thing you described is not allowed. Once a victory has been scored the loser cannot change ships and come back at you. You also have every right to engage him if you are BHG tagged and he is a pirate (especially if he has a bounty =)
One question though.... if you were a BHG in Gamma, where could you land for repairs?
Furthermore I assume your opponent was Corsair tagged, since he (again I assume) landed at Crete.... then how could his ally be Hessian? The RP in this scenario is so messed up its not funny.
I do apoligise for this as i thought it said *PirateKing*Sphinx killed him self with (wasp/Hornet)
For starters you only killed my Battleship and that was once. After realiseing that it was you that killed me i stoped fireing and saw u dock, Now Me changeing from Fighter to battleship as i said in System chat, i called in the Sphinx as back up and docked on it, now u docking on crete was out of RP to seeing as you have a Bounty Hunter ID and a Navey Tag.
He means on the Screenshot posted by ryoken that the ship he is flying is the outcast drednaught, in which case why does his BH character have an outcast capital ship rather than a BH one.
Well that is what I am pritty sure he is meaning.
And yes I agree this is a bit of a stupid RP situation.
BH in a outcast dred attacks a Corsair and a Hessian who are working together then the BH docks on a corsair base for repairs.:nono:
I've been mildly miffed by one-shot weapons since their implementation, oh so long ago. I remember the days when fights were a matter of who could aim better, rather than who could aim a single shot. - Virus
' Wrote:I do apoligise for this as i thought it said *PirateKing*Sphinx killed him self with (wasp/Hornet)
Even if it did, killing yourself counts as a normal death.
Quote: He means on the Screenshot posted by ryoken that the ship he is flying is the outcast drednaught, in which case why does his BH character have an outcast capital ship rather than a BH one.
No, it's a BHG BS. I'm sure of it. But still why would a corsair and hessian work together, and I promise you, there is NO WHERE in Gamma where a Bounty Hunter should be able to dock.
Arent pirate kings supposed to be a conglomeration of all pirates? Even so, I think this situation does not put anyone in the right. They are all in the wrong.
BTW, that is the Bounty Hunter Battleship. I have one, and it's identical to that.
If his battleship is pilotted by the same character as his fighter, and he undocked from where he docked, then that is fair game. However, comming back from more isn't allowed, because he died. It doesn't matter if he suicided or not, because it still counts as a death.
But a bounty hunter shouldn't be able to dock anywhere in Gamma. The NPCs should be shooting you non stop, and if they arent, make it your duty to make them shoot you.
Yea I actualy did not know if it was a BH or an outcast BS was just saying what I though that Maranzo was trying to get across.
I've been mildly miffed by one-shot weapons since their implementation, oh so long ago. I remember the days when fights were a matter of who could aim better, rather than who could aim a single shot. - Virus