In the BHG chat an idea came up for an addition to the whole bounty hunting thing.
Normally, a bounty is only collectable if the target gets blown up. If the target does not blow up, no money.
So here's an idea:
make forcing a pirate to 'surrender' also collectable. Meaning you 'arrest' him.
Gameplay makesit impossible to actually arrest someone for a bounty. This way, 'arrests' are possible.
and if the pirate does not surrender... well, that's his choice. At least he has been offered one.
Hunter: Imma arrest youz. you haz bounty on ya. dead or alive, you are coming with me
Pirate: hell no buddy. You won't get me that easily. attack!
Hunter: enjagaglub
*fight rages on, pirate is losing*
Pirate: oh noes. Imma out of B&B. I surrender, don't kill me plox.
Hunter: yer so nicked.
*makes screenshot of pirate saying: 'I surrender"
*posts screenshot on forums*
Hunter: as himself
Pirate: as himself
- it will enhance bounty hunting rp. for the hunter, as well as for the pirate. I can picture some pretty hilarious rp to be had for the more creative among us.
- more realistic. inrl, bounty hunters don't kick down the door, yell 'this is a warrant for your arr- I mean, death' and empty a clip of 5.56 leaded fuel into a villain's chest. Or balls.
- no blue messege hunting is neccesary anymore to collect. (so people perhaps will stop crying about pvp whoring hunters)
Isn't so hard to implement either: just change the blanket bounties a tad, saying that arrests and proof of the arrest (the ss saying 'I surrender') are worth the same as a kill.
Tecnhincally it is possible ingame as well. you can rp it out. the pirate activates cruise and dissapears after he has been 'arrested'. that counts as a flee, so it's the same rulewise as a pvp death.
if he says he surrenders but attacks again, he gets whacked and claimed upon the old fashioned way.
Maybe to encourage more RP you can have the person that sets the Bounty to have a higher reward for the Hunter if he brings back the wanted party captures him. And a lower reward for killing him.
Keeping your targets alive always worth more money, so the bounty placer can do -you know what- to him/her. This also expands RP possibilities as the target's friends can attempt to break him/her out. I believe this is the same situation where you can capture NPC pilots from blowing up their ships, only player ships don't drop pilots. So a screenshot will be in order.
Well, arrests probably happen in Disco all the time. After all, Bounty hunters and Police are not death squads out to masochistically carve notches into their arms for every kill they get.
This happened to Athenian and I once, before I had myself banned, and it worked out pretty well. I(on my Molly Barghest) had just taken down a few traders, and was suffering from the side-effects of post adrenaline-rush cooldown. I did not want to fight a Manta with 5 Buckshots and a Paralyzer.
So, I surrendered.
It was a little awkward, since we were both like: So, what do we do now?
I just logged off for 4 hours and swapped to another character.
But what happens if the pirate doesn't do that? I guess we'll have to take his word for it.
Quote:- no blue messege hunting is neccesary anymore to collect. (so people perhaps will stop crying about pvp whoring hunters)
The problem is, this will work for the blanket bounties. But personal bounties are aptly named just so: they're personal. For these people, the blue message might be the only thing to stop the nightmares.
So, I propose this:
Instead of a Surrender, just make the run. Have the pirate(or target) dump their nanobots, batteries, all ammo(missiles, CDs, Torps, CMs), and have them engage cruise out of the system.
They leave for 4 hours, can come back after that.
Quote:[7:42:05 PM][6:51:36 PM] Igor (Smokey): btw terry
[6:51:48 PM] Terrance Cooper: Ye?
[6:52:00 PM] Igor (Smokey): nothin
[6:52:03 PM] Igor (Smokey): just sayin btw
[6:52:05 PM] Terrance Cooper: <_<
Quote:Johnny_Haas: you shot anti criuse speed rockets!!!
Johnny_Haas: but why????
Johnny_Haas: ??
Johnny_Haas: why you shoot criuse speed rockets?