--Incoming Transmission-- --Channel Established-- --Starting Video Feed--
ID: Marcus Callus.
Location: Tau-23, Java Station.
Encryption Code: 5241025
Destination: BAF High Command.
Hello and Good Evening. I'll get straight to the point, as i'm sure you have much more important matters to attend to. While wandering around Tau-23 this morning, I stumbled upon a wreck, a pretty badly beaten one at that. Most of the plating had been scorched off, and it was torn apart into a few sizable chunks. I couldn't quite calm my curiosity so I decided to go and investigate a bit. Well, I was a bit surprised to find it the remnant shell of a Templar, and seeing as you don't find one of those everyday, I donned my Exo-suit and went rummaging through the remains of the place. But I digress... What you might like to know is I came across the unfortunate sight of a blood-streaked windshield, frozen by the vacuum. I also found an intact equipment locker, still sealed, and inside what seemed to be a BAF Officers uniform. Besides that I have collected all the pieces I could from the wreckage and I'm currently sending them to Leeds for you to do... well, whatever with them. Within are the wings of this poor mate, and his name tag as well... I have never heard of a Sipher Rockwell, but something about just knowing the name just made it a bit more real, and I realized I was walking in a grave. After picking up whatever else I could find intact, I made my way out. If for some reason you want to retrieve the wreckage yourself, I have enclosed the coordinates at the end of this message, I'd hurry before the junkers take it. I'd never really seen a Templar up close... but they are magnificent ships. But once again, I digress..
--Feed Sustained--
"The pen is mightier than the sword." -Edward Bulwer-Lytton. "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword never encountered automatic weapons." -General Douglas MacArthur
[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: HMS Harlow]
[CommID: Fleet Admiral Nelson]
I thank you for your information and your decency in returning this brave officer's remains to us. His family have been informed. An unfortunate casualty of war. Rest assured he will be buried with full military honours.
Sir Stanley Nelson
Fleet Admiral
[End Transmission]
Sir Stanley Nelson <span style="color:#000066">Charles Canning </span><span style="color:#000066"> Foreign Secretary</span>
Letter Wrote:With greatest sorrow, it is my duty to inform you, that your son, Lt. Commander Sipher Rockwell, was found dead in Tau 23 system.
Sipher was one of our best pilots, ma'am;
His spirit, his attitude towards duty inspired many of our colleagues, to be more like him.
He didnt stop when any of us would stop, but, he continue forward, always pushing limits to maximum.
He was simple man. Fair and simple. And, those kind of chaps are very rare.
For such personal loss, in name of Bretonia people, Bretonia Armed officers, and Sipher friends in the Force, we are sorry.
He was killed in action, three months ago. There is no glory, or pride in death, but your son was performing above expectations till the very end. Before his Templar exploded, he destroyed three, and damaged three more Naval Force ships.
For this act, beyond call of duty, he will be awarded with DFC medal.
It was a real honor to fly with your son.
Life will continue, with, or without him, ma'am, but Rocky will live for ever in our minds.
Military funeral, will be held at New London planet, Saint George church, on Friday 22th this month.