I rather like Nightfall's way of dealing with RP offenses, such as having a Corsair tagged char captured and sent to prison when docking on a lawful base.
Perhaps a similar idea could be used to generate more RP as well?
I noticed that x-killer-x seemed unwilling to venture out of New York when there was a bounty on, which is where the idea came from.
How about using admin posted bounties instead of fines for RP offenses?
Set the offending character with criminal ID so everyone knows there's a bounty on. List a bounty on the character(say 25 million) and then watch the drama unfold.
There seems to be interest in having bounties so mercs and BH have something to do. This seems like a fitting punishment for those ignoring RP.
Although, given the ship that character was flying, I'm not sure I could take him on, even with my OSC pilot. Definately gave him a wide berth when I saw him hauling Cardamine through California the other day. (oddly enough, after I spotted him, I was going to warn [SA]Milrick about him over the secure channel when Milrick left.)
Well I guess it would be necessary for mercs to team up and there's a few factions who describe themselves as mercs.
You'd think SSO and the other merc factions would enjoy a high profit, high difficulty challenge.
If the prey started ignoring server rules like F1 in combat, there's always the fine/ban option.
Anyway, it was just an idea. Entirely up to the admins if they want to try it.