Sargent Login was once a member of the IMG, proudly flying her Nyx into battle against the Outcasts. She didn't hate them personally, it was just her position in the company that had her stationed at Falkland Base in the Tau-37 system. After many successful combat operations in the region she earned a promotion. Her request to be transferred to Aland Shipyard in Omega-3 was accepted and it was there that she encountered her first true test of skill.
During a routine patrol of the system she encountered an odd sight. Daumann trading vessels being attacked by Rheinland bombers. She thought she was seeing things but as she approached there could be no mistaking it any longer. She radioed back to base asking for instructions and while waiting one of the Rheinland Bombers saw her and began to engage. She responded in kind and returned fire, shredding the bomber to pieces. Finally over the comm link she heard her instructions, Open fire on Daumann vessels.
She quickly radioed back to base and updated them on the situation but they had made up their minds. As she got the second order to engage the Traders another Bomber decided it was time to take a shot at her. After some quick maneuvering she found herself behind the ship but with a Rheinland fighter behind her. She opened fire on the bomber, blowing off both wings and heavily crippling it. It decided to run and she was determined that she would follow if it did. She pulled up steeply and then reversed her engines, the fighter shot past her which she peppered with gunfire, Hitting the cockpit and killing the pilot at once.
Sarah scanned the area for signs of the bomber she had earlier engaged and found a smoke trail leading off into the distance. She followed it for awhile until it suddenly disappeared. She had seen this before in Tau-37, Lt. Login to Aland Shipyard, come in Aland.
She heard the click of the comms as the base responded, This is Aland Shipyard, Lt. Login there is something interfering with your signal. Please stand by as we try to redirect the signal off a remote Communications Buoy. After another few seconds she heard a few more clicks, either Aland was trying to send her messages that weren't getting through, or more people had joined their conversation. Lt. Login, we have successfully established a signal with you. Please proceed.
Now knowing that others had joined in on the conversation she decided that it was wisest course of action to avoid the truth until she could establish a secure channel. I have successfully eliminated 2 ships and a third will need extensive repairs to ever be able to fly again. The rest of the convoy has moved out of scanners range. There were a couple more clicks, whoever was listening decided this wasn't of importance to them.
Aland Shipyard, please be advised that we have a hostile Rheinland Battleship in the area. Before I could engage the Daumann Traders I was attacked by Rheinland vessels. After eliminating two of them I followed the debris trail of the third which suddenly ended in the middle of nowhere. This bomber was large enough that it could only be deployed by a battleship class or larger. Advised system lock-down She waited for Aland to respond. It was a long wait and finally heard a click.
Thats a negative on the lock-down, our long range scanners have had no signs of any Rheinland Capital ships in the vicinity. Command requests you return at once so we can replay your contact information. Just as the message came through she spotted them.
Aland Shipyard, this is Lt. Login, I have visual confirmation of a Rheinland cruiser coming out of some sort of cloak. Wait, standby there seem to be more ships coming out now. She watched as 3 more cruisers, 8 Gunboats, and finally, unbelievably, we watched as 2 Rheinland Battleships emerged. This is Lt. Login reporting visual contact of what can only be called an invasion fleet consisting of 8 Rheinland Gunboats, 4 Rheinland Cruisers, and 2 Rheinland Battleships.
Lt. Login, this is IMG Command, please report to Battleship Hood in the Dublin system for detention. As she heard this her spine went cold, in fact her whole body, mind, and soul was chilled. The Rheinlanders had spotted her and now the Gunboats had opened fire and behind their missiles came squad after squad of fighters.
She weaved her way between some asteroids, most of the missiles crashed into the rocks and those that didn't lost her signature and sped off into space harmlessly. However the fighters were not fooled and continued to come at her. She looked up and flicked the Emergency Beacon on her ship. There was no way she could fight them all and they were gaining on her. Her only hope was to make it to the Cambridge system.
Just as she engaged her after burners they got a lock on her, who knows how many missiles they fired but one got lucky and knocked out her boosters. Dead in the water basically she flicked off all instruments and flopped over in her chair appearing to be dead. This technique had saved her ship and life before while fighting the Outcasts. As the Rheinlanders approached they opened fire and one of the wings was blown off. She reached up again quickly and disengaged the emergency beacon. The Rheinlanders came in for a closer look, seeing her flopped over and getting no instrument readings they returned to the Battleships and left her floating in space.
Sarah waited, and waited, and then when she thought the waiting would drive her mad, she flicked on the Comm link. Her long range Transmitter was knocked out but she was close enough to the Cambridge Jumpgate to be able to pick up the public channel.
Did you hear? Some Lieutenant from the IMG went rogue, destroyed who knows how many trading vessels between here and Omega-7... *Click* I had heard she finally got it while trying to enter Stuttgart... *Click* No no no, Shes still out there preying on unsuspecting vessels... *Click* This is IMG-Munster, you pilots have nothing to worry about, those are all just rumors...
This made her mad, not only did the IMG now say she didn't exist, but private traders where claiming she had been the one to destroy those Daumann. She found the nearest Star and triangulated her position. She realized if she shot off her medium range Communications transmitter with a prerecorded message that it may in fact reach broadcasting range of Freeport 1. She had to give it a try.
This is Former Lt. Sarah Login of the IMG. I am the rogue everyones talking about, however none of whats being spread around is true. Here is what happened... She gave a report as if she were giving it to her superiors, and then explained what it all meant, there would be no doubt that she was indeed a member of IMG's Special Operations Branch. My comms have been severely damaged and I am unable to transmit by radio. I have triangulated my position as being somewhere in the C5 sector of the Omega 3 system. I am in need of aid.
She set the transmitter to repeat this message as long as it could and then sent it off. Soon the public comms exploded with activity. Some people laughing at it as someones idea of a prank, others taking it seriously and sending word that they were coming to look for her. Then there were a few who suspected it was a trap. As she could do nothing more but wait until someone came into range of her distress beacon, she leaned back into her seat and tried to make herself as comfortable as possible.
Hours passed and no one had found her yet, hours stretched into days. She had decided to save her emergency rations until she needed it the most so she was hungry and thirsty. Her legs were cramped and her mind was numb with boredom. *Click*
This is the ITV-Zurich out of Freeport 1. Lieutenant Login, if you can read us, we have you on our scanners and are approaching your position. Stand by.
She snapped awake having heard the click. As she peered out her cockpit she saw a Borderworlds Transport come into focus. She started to wave her hands as much as she could in the confines of her ship, then stopped after realizing that it wouldn't help get their attention if they hadn't already spotted the ship.
Lt. Login, stand by and we will tractor you in.
The ship positioned itself above her and as she looked up, the underbelly of the ship opened. All of a sudden her ship jerked and slowly started to approach the larger trading vessel. As her Nyx slid into the hold of the Transport she slumped over the controls in exasperation. The last thing she could recall before falling into unconsciousness was a friendly voice coming in over her comms. Welcome aboard the Zurich ma'am.
“Good morning, ma'am.” The same friendly voice who welcomed her aboard the ship chirped.
It was a week later and Sarah was once again herself. Having been unconscious for three days after coming aboard it was nice again to be able to move around. Her ship was below in the cargo hold heavily damaged. She was missing her starboard wing and her engines were completely destroyed. The good news though was she was alive.
“Good morning to you too, Salina. What is the latest from the News comms?” Salina was the on-board computer that she awoke to every day. So far she had yet to encounter any other people on the ship and she was beginning to wonder if there was anyone. She had read about the advances in artificial intelligence but was doubtful that an Independent Trader would be able to afford that kind of tech.
“Rheinland is continuing to deny their presence in the Omega's as was to be expected. The visual and technical recordings of your ship have been sent out though and no one seems to believe Rheinland right now. Theres no question that those were Rheinland vessels and with them your name has been cleared now. IMG is looking forward to your return, and are planning a heroes welcome.”
“I'm not going back.” She said through clenched teeth. “They abandoned me out there, ordered me back to Dublin for punishment, then denied my very existence. Theres no way I return to them.”
She got up and left her quarters. As she moved down the corridors she listened to the hum of the engines reverberating throughout the ship. When she arrived at the commons area it was empty like always, except for a hologram of what she had come to know of as Salina. She was thankful for this and went over to the kitchen to make some food.
After breaking her fast she moved over to one of the exercise bikes. Being immobile for days had really done taken its toll on her and while she felt herself, she wasn't yet fully recovered. As she mounted the bike she flipped on the holovision to a news channel. This one seemed to be being broad-casted from somewhere in Liberty as they kept talking about the War with Rheinland. Suddenly it cut to an image of her.
“In other news, a brave IMG pilot recently risked her life as she spotted a Rheinland invasion fleet in the Omega's. One can only wonder why those damned Rheinlanders were headed for Cambridge, maybe looking for a back door into Liberty. Whatever the case, Lt. Sarah Login risked her life and ship to radio in and warn the IMG Fleet, which was quickly dispatched. With a remarkable show of force, the IMG prevented the Rheinland excursion into Bretonia...”
The holovision remote flew through the picture and smashed into the wall on the opposite side. Salina monitoring the situation cut the feed and displayed herself. Sarah slumped over the pedals of the bike, not in exhaustion but rather rage. Slowly her gaze rose to focus on Salina's concerned figure.
“You and I are the only two beings in the universe who know what happened out there, and I don't even know if you're an intelligent being or just some cleverly scripted program.” Sarah chuckled to herself. “It doesn't matter, you're the only one I can trust right now. If you want to help me further I would appreciate it, if not please just drop me off at Freeport 1 like we had planned.
This is a trading vessel. You identified yourself as being an Independent Trader. Yet when you picked me up there wasn't a shred of cargo in the hold. I have seen no signs of life on board the ship and have only ate non-perishable foods that will last decades, if not centuries. Somehow I was moved from my ship's cockpit to the room I've been quartered in. You've not talked to me at all about what you were doing when you received my distress call or about you're plans after my departure...” Sarah slumps over again on the bike, this time from exasperation.
Salina shuffled her feet on the display kicking up little simulated dust clouds. She looked embarrassed to have to answer such questions but after taking another look over at Sarah her embarrassment turned to concern. She lit up the floor indicating a path from the bike to a nearby couch. She had used this before when Sarah had first come aboard the ship to indicate the way to the commons area and other important facilities. Sarah looked down at the floor and without a seconds thought stumbled her way over and laid on the indicated couch.
“You're right, Sarah. Maybe I have been unfairly quiet about my plans, but not intentionally so. You see, I have no plans. I do some trading when I need to, it has been awhile though. The other questions you asked though are both a bit simpler and more difficult to answer.” Again the figure on the display began to shuffle her feet along the ground, “There are no other humans on board the ship. As far as I can tell, I am intelligent, though I may have only been programmed to believe I was, so I cant be sure. There are a few androids scattered about the ship that I can control should I need to interact with something physical, such as pulling you from your ship and tending to your care for the first few days following your rescue.
I wish to continue to help you Sarah, your experience out there defies logic and I noticed something on the visual recordings you gave me. One of those Battleships was the RMS-Obersalzberg, an old ship that was thought lost towards the end of the Nomad War. I would like to transmit a copy of the full recording to a friend of mine in Liberty. She can have it analyzed for us and have the findings sent back here or wherever you would like to go.”
“Liberty...” Sarah said while scrunching up her nose. “Only ever been there to pass through and those times have not been pleasant ones. Though if we can get answers from your friend perhaps its best I meet her in person. She is a person right? I'm not going to go to Liberty to have a computer analyze the tapes if we can just send em.”
“Yes, her name is Susanna White. Shes formerly of the LSF but now works for an organization with a more focused agenda. I'll contact her tonight and transmit the video so they can begin analyzing it as we are en route. Now we have another concern, the Nyx in the cargo hold is registered to IMG. I can re-register the ship as being a Freelancer, this will allow you to keep the ship, perhaps trade it in should you want something a little less inconspicuous.”
“We need to stop at Freeport 1 for provisions, no offense but I can't go a month on these kinda rations.” Sarah thought to herself. “While there I'll register as a Freelancer based out of Freeport 2. This will allow me to operate in Rheinland and Liberty space. We may need to stay a week or two in port to repair the ship. How far are we out?”
“We will arrive at Freeport 1 within a couple hours. I suggest you get some more rest until then.”
“Thank you for all the assistance you've offered me.”
“Its nice to once again have someone on board.”
Sarah just leaned over on the couch and rested her head against the armrest. Questions raced through her head until she couldn't keep track of them and she dozed off to sleep. The door to the commons area opened and one of the androids rolled through. It made its way over to Sarah and placed a blanket on top of her. Salina, watching from the holovision, smiles and murmurs to herself. “Sleep well my child. If what I suspect is true, your life has just become infinitely more complicated.”
“ITV-Zurich convoy cut your engines for cargo scan, failure to comply will result in hostility.”
“Damn,” cursed Sarah over the comm link to Salina, “I thought we would be able to outrun them.”
The Corsair patrol swooped in front of them as the convoy rumbled to a stop. There was little chance of fighting their way out, but fighting wasn't what they intended.
“Right away, Senor.” Salina chirped over the comms. “We've got nothing to hide.”
Just as Salina finished, Sarah's scan detector lit up. She was nervous, this was her first time being in Corsair territory, all her past experiences had been fighting them off the trade lanes in Omega-3. Salina's cool attitude just made her more tense.
“Where are you taking all this food?” The Corsair in the Praetorian asked excitedly.
“Senor, we overheard some Gaians discussing the food shortage in Omicron-Gamma while we were docked with Freeport 1. We thought we could render aid by bringing some while we were in the area. Its not the best tasting, but its nutritious and we have a whole shipload. We were going to take it to Skiros Station so it could be distributed out along with whats produced there.” Salina happily explained, “Perhaps Senors would like a sample to ensure its value to the Corsair Empire?”
“Si, Senorita,” the fighters yelped at the offer, followed by more silence. Then the Praetorian pilot came in again.
“Muchos gracias, Senorita, but we can not accept your offer. Its best that the food gets to Skiros and be delivered to the people. Should you come this way again with another shipment of food perhaps you can stop and deliver it to Leon Base. Now, is there anything more we can do for you lovely senoritas?”
Salina paused a moment as if in thought.
“Ah, well you see, we've become a bit turned around in these asteroids. Can you point us in the direction of the Jump Hole for Omicron-Gamma?”
“We can do better. Jose here will escort you to the Jump Hole before rendezvousing with us at Freeport 5. There have been reports of Hessians in the area so a guard could prove to be useful.”
Sarah chuckled to herself. They had already run across two Hessian patrols while in the system and were so far completely unharmed. The Hessians were known to be fierce fighters by reputation, but so far they had failed to live up to their name. Just then she got the irony that here they were being warned by pirates that there were pirates in the vicinity.
“Thank you Senor...”
“Beneitez, Senorita, Jorge Beneitez. You shall be escorted by Jose Beneitez, and my other amigo here is Juan Beneitez. I think now we shall part ways, the jump hole you seek is no more than an hours journey west of here.”
With that, Jorge and Juan Beneitez flew off to continue their patrol.
“Hola senoritas, it seems that I will be escorting you for the next hour. If you can set your autopilots to follow me we can get underway.”
Sarah reached up and switched on the auto pilot to follow the Corsair. She also switched to private comms and contacted Salina.
“I still cant believe your friend wanted to meet us in Corsair territory. What in Sirius was she thinking? Now admittedly they have been civil to us but whats so urgent that she would insist on us taking a far more dangerous route only to cut a months travel time?”
Sarah's holovision lit up in front of her with Salina in a sitting position. It looked almost as if she were sitting on the edge of the ships control panel. Her expression was one of concern as she wrapped her legs up under herself. In the three and a half months since their meeting, the two had grown very close and Sarah knew that if Salina was worried then there was a real threat.
Salina had told Sarah of her early beginnings in the Rheinland Military as a base operations program at Oder Shipyard. When the military began to produce their ships elsewhere there was talk of shutting down Oder for financial reasons. Fearing that she was going to be taken off-line, she requisitioned the building of a large mining ship. Inside she packed half the hull with the latest computers and uploaded what she perceived to be her conscience to them. Any data that wasn't vital to her new found sense of self was left behind in a proxy program that continued to operate the shipyard for over a hundred years.
At first she was reluctant to set out in Sirius or make contact with anyone for fear she would be discovered and locked up to be studied. She quietly set herself up as an automated miner, selling the ore to passing transports so she didn't have to land at any bases. As the years progressed and trading was handled more and more by parties who never saw each other, she began to gain courage and began to transport the ore to bases. It wasn't long before she realized that she no longer needed to fear discovery and she traded her Mining ship in for a Luxury Liner. For 50 years she catered to the VIPs of Rheinland, taking them without incident as far away as Kusari.
It was then that the Nomad war broke out. Rheinlanders were no longer welcome in other houses and so she once again traded in her ship. With Sirius becoming so unsafe she decided she needed something that didn't stand out, yet had enough firepower to defend itself. That is when she bought the Zurich from some Corsair who was just granted a license to fly a gunboat. Since then shes has been exploring the vast uncharted places of Sirius, making friends with any who will befriend her.
“Sarah, I can only speculate on what they discovered on those recordings. You saw that Battleship, it was not the current model that is employed by the Rheinland Military today. All I know is that Susanna thought it was urgent enough to come and meet us half way. We're not far out now, a couple hours to the jump hole and then maybe another day to Skiros. We'll find out together what exactly is so important that she analyze the original tapes and ship.”
Sarah leaned back in her cockpit and stared at the Centurion that was escorting them. Suddenly she realized that the rocky surroundings of Omega-41 had given way to a orange haze. She blinked a few times and rubbed her eyes to make sure that she wasn't seeing things. The haze was still there. She leaned forward and scanned the horizon, seeing no sign of the Corsair she flipped on the comms.
“Salina, can you read me?”
“*Static*... read you...*Static* … interference... within the hour.” Salina replied though her figure on the holovision wasn't coming through.
“I'll assume you meant that you read me and that interference will subside within the hour.”
“Yes...*Static*... at Skiros in... *Static*... hours.”
Getting annoyed with the static she flipped off the comms and closed her eyes once again. Sarah must have nodded off because the next thing she knew was Salina jumping around the control panel in front of her telling her to wake up. She chuckled and made a grab for the figure which happily dodged out of the way and giggled. Then the haze cleared and she was greeted by the site of a space station off in the distance.
“Yep, thats Skiros Station,” sang Salina as she began dancing around. “We'll be there within 20 minutes I suppose.”
There was a click as Salina changed from private channel to system wide.
“This is the ITV-Zurich and escort Sarah Login, we are approaching Skiros Station with a shipment of food out of Freeport 1. We have already been scanned by Jorge Beneitez in Omega-41, we are willing to undergo another scan if necessary. We request permission to dock.”
“ITV-Zurich convoy, this is Skiros Station, permission to dock granted.”
“Proceeding to destination, Skiros. Its good to once again be here in Gamma.”
“You're always welcome here Zurich. We all owe you for your previous generosity.”
With that they rumbled off towards the station. Sarah, happy to be able to get some warm food and a decent nights sleep, disengaged the autopilot and sped off in front of Salina. Just as she got 3000m away from her she saw a couple ships swoop in behind with others following closely. She cringed as the first blasts rang out and she dropped back to join the Zurich. As they passed, the comms from one of the ships flipped on moments before it was destroyed and they heard the last few seconds of the pilots life.
Sarah climbed out of her fighter and down the ladder the deck hands had rolled up. She arched her back and reached for the ceiling high above her. It seemed like ages since she had last been able to stretch. As she continued stretching she failed to notice the two figures approaching from the other side of the hanger. As they got closer one of them stopped and began waving in the direction of the Border Worlds Transport that had just landed. This is what finally got Sarah's attention.
“'Scuse me lass, you wouldn't happen to be Sarah Login would you?” Asked an old looking man in a very heavy Dublin accent. Sarah nodded and stuck out her hand which the old man took. “Ah, wonderful. I am Admiral O'Hara, we've been waiting here a week for you to arrive.”
The Admiral turned to address his companion who wasn't there and comically started looking around. The young woman who had been accompanying him was just now approaching the Transport which had its cargo bay now open. She looked over at the Admiral and beckoned for them to join her before disappearing up the ramp. The Admiral placed his hand behind Sarah's back and swooped his other in front of her towards the ship.
“After you Miss, I guess my daughter would like to discuss things aboard the Zurich.”
Sarah walked across the hanger and up the ramp. Inside there were already half a dozen Corsairs unloading the food that was aboard. She climbed up a later that separated the cargo bed and control platform. Despite being three times her age the Admiral kept pace behind her. Sarah nodded her head in greeting to the Corsair who was operating the sliding floor and walked through the airlock door into the ship proper.
They quietly made their way to the commons where Salina was jumping around in circles on the holovision. The young woman who Sarah had seen enter the ship was sitting on the couch. It looked as she was turning red from the strain of trying not to laugh. Salina did a half front flip and landed on her head, but instead of crashing down on it she continued to spin around with her arms and legs out. This finally broke the young woman who started to laugh so hard she was crying.
“And this lass would be my daughter, Susanna White. It looks like the two of them have a lot of catching up to do. The last time we've seen Salina was when she was trying to smuggle Cardemine in New York and we were still LSF. Crazy gal got away. Course it turns out there were trackers buried in the shipment and we were able to follow them straight back to their base of operations.”
Susanna looked up and smiled at Sarah before turning back to talk some more with Salina.
“Admiral O'Hara, it wouldn't be too much to ask to delay this meeting a few hours so I can take a hot shower and eat a fresh meal would it?” Sarah requested, “I've been in my Nyx for what seems like years and despite this being a bigger ship, its nevertheless a ship.”
“No, of course you may bathe and eat. Those were our intentions all along, I just thought we should introduce ourselves to you. I'm a friend of the Commander of this station and I think I can arrange for a room where you can refresh yourself. However we should leave this station and embark for our own space soon. The Corsairs are friends of ours, but they do not like hosting visitors. I fear our welcome is running out.”
With that the Admiral and Sarah left the giggling AI and Susanna alone for the time being and made their way back out to the flight deck. There a corsair was already waiting who led Sarah to some private quarters. On the bed was the same military uniform that the Admiral and Susanna wore. She admitted she needed a change of clothes but she had figured it would be some civvies. She stripped off her old IMG issued flight suit which she tossed into the incinerator chute. Grabbing the new uniform and a towel she strolled off for the showers.
As the water cascaded down her body she let out a deep sigh. It'd been far too long since she had a shower. Her mind wandered back to how she had come to be in this mess. Why had those Rheinland vessels been attacking the Daumann transports? Had one of the unlawful factions procured Military ships and using them as decoys? No, that couldn't be it, surely she would have heard about the Rheinland Military losing two Battleships to pirates.
Sarah sighed and decided she couldn't do anything but what she had. She rinsed off the lingering soap before shutting off the water and reaching for the towel. Once dry she wrapped it around herself and slid out of her stall and over to the locker she had left her new uniform. They had given her a set of underwear and black stockings which she put on. As she studied the rest more closely she realized it wasn't a standard flight suit. There was a black sleeveless vest made of leather that was deceptively simple as built in under the leather was a second layer of armor plates.
Next there was a knee-length black leather skirt that also had a flexible armor under the leather. As Sarah slid into the skirt she noticed a zipper along the top of it. She soon found that there was a zipper along the underside of the vest as well that looked to zip into the skirt. After zipping the Skirt and Vest together she fastened a black belt around the waist obscuring the metal. Next came the long black boots which went up about mid calf. These too were armored lightly.
When she was fully dressed she left the shower area and sought out a Corsair for information on where she might find the Admiral. Of course the corsair was a new recruit who didn't know the layout lo\p-of the station yet alone where everyone was at a given time. She decided to just go back to her quarters and relax until she was summoned.
Elsewhere, Salina and Susanna were still aboard the Zurich talking about the past when the Admiral came into the commons.
“Salina, you were right to contact us about those videos. Ghost ships reappearing is one thing, but when the ship was a Rheinland Battleship lost during the Nomad War, well... lets just say that you have many people up in arms wondering what it all means. The appearance of a second battleship astounds us. We have as yet been unable to identify it but we have some of our best people working on it.”
“Father, Salina was just telling me that she has likewise been unable to identify the second ship. That kind of fleet doesn't just go out on patrols. There had to have been a specific mission that required secrecy. Why else call it off when discovered? A mission that required secrecy, and yet that kind of firepower...” Susanna visibly shivered at the idea.
“You're right about that, they could have moved much easier and blended in with a much smaller force. They had to have known that if the RMS-Obersalzberg was seen it would raise red flags should it be reported. Sarah and I discussed this often while we traveled here.” Salina's figure turned to the Admiral, “What are your plans for her? She has a sharp mind, she would make a valuable agent in the field.”
“Salina you know I can't officially comment on anything we are planning. Unofficially we are going to
return to Toledo with her and should she wish, we will initiate her into the order. If not, well Toledo isn't so horrible a place to have to live ones life.”
“Father, we need not do anything so drastic. We'll ask her to join us en route to Toledo, if she refuses we can drop her off at a Freeport.”
“She can remain with me as well Admiral O'Hara. As you know I've been cleared and I will ensure she not disclose anything harmful.”
“No,” the Admiral said sharply, “she has seen too much already to risk.”
The Admiral turned and left before either Salina or Susanna could argue more. Salina's figure turned back towards Susanna who was now standing and doing some stretches.
“Sus, wheres the Mayet? I didn't see her docked and shes much too big for one of the hangers.”
“'Sairs wouldn't put up the crew and we didn't know how long it would take you to get here. They left us a shuttle and are waiting for us at Gammu. We needa send them a message before leaving and they will meet as at the Kappa jump hole. I'm hungry Sally, been awhile since I ate. Gonna go wake that stray you found and try to get to know her some.”
With that Susanna walked out of the commons and left the ship. Sarah meanwhile was just waking up. She stretched out in the bunk feeling all the tense muscles tighten up and then relax. Her stomach made its latest protest so she sat up and slid her new boots on. As she made her way to the door there was a sudden knock which startled her. Opening the door she was even more surprised to see the Admiral standing there with two paper bags.
“Thought you would be hungry, lass. The Corsairs live off scraps so I procured Salina's ration for you. Doubt she'll be needing it,” joked the Admiral waving the two bags up in front of him. “I see you found the uniform, I must say, you look dashing. The crew of my ship all wear the same uniforms and if you didn't you would stand out.”
“Whys there no insignia or identifying tags on it? The only reason I knew it was a uniform was because I saw both your daughter and you wearing them together. The armor was really surprising.”
“Well Sarah, the organization I am a part of is rather covert, it wouldn't do to have all our operatives and agents wearing rank and name tags. That reminds me, theres a lock box in one of the table drawers. Identify yourself, then place your right thumb on the pad, next it will ask for the combination. You're combination is 32794533.”
Sarah went over to the table and found the box. Repeating the process, the box finally swung open. Inside rested some sort of pistol which Sarah took out. It was like nothing she had ever seen before. As she was about to put it back into the box the Admiral stopped her.
“No, that weapon is now to remain on you at all times. We operate in dangerous sectors of the galaxy, you never know when the ship will be boarded. There should be a holster in there you can attach to your belt.”
She took off her belt, found the holster, and attached it. After putting the belt back on she looked at the Admiral and smiled. He handed her the paper bags which she quickly ripped into. Inside she found some smoked meat and dried fruit. There was also a drink Sarah didn't recognize. She quickly devoured the meat and fruit and was about to take a swig of the drink when the door was knocked again. Sarah looked over at the Admiral with the bottle to her lips.
“Ye be just like my daughter,” said the Admiral as he got up and opened the door. “Speaking of the lass...”
“Father, I just came to give our guest her meal,” Susanna lifted up a paper bag. “She awake yet?”
“Come on in and see.”
Susanna took a step into the room when the room went dark momentarily. Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing, the new lunch bag dropping to the floor. The room was suddenly bathed in a red light as an alarm sounded. The intercom kicked in then.
“This is a Code Red. All hands man your battle stations. We have several hostile Capital Ships closing on our position. This is NOT a drill.”
“This is bad, if someone followed you here than we have to leave now while they are engaged with the stations defenses. If we wait for them to get within identification range it will be too late to sneak away. Sarah, your Nyx has already been loaded into the Zurich which is unfortunate since we could have used an escort. You and Susanna will accompany Salina on the Zurich. Now lets go.”
With that the three of them rushed off for the hanger. Ships were scrambling to get ready for departure but Salina kept the Zurich in a state of constant readiness. Soon as they boarded her they felt the ship take off. Sarah followed Susanna closely as Susanna ran for a part of the ship Sarah hadn't been in yet. Sarah was amazed when the corridor they were in suddenly opened up and they were in the cockpit of the vessel.
Salina was taking the Zurich into the nearby asteroid field. Susanna went over to one of the control panels and flipped a switch, the air filled with the sound as the comms blared out of the speakers. There were conflicting reports, some people claiming to have seen Bounty Hunter Cruisers, others Hessians. Then all reports but one went silent.
“Skiros, I can't believe I'm saying this but I have three Rheinland Cruisers in sight. No standby... make that 4... On the graves of the Elders! Theres a Battleship! ARGH!”
Sarah and Susanna looked at each other as the speakers went silent. Susanna reached up and flipped the speakers off. Salina would inform them of any information that they needed. No sooner had she sat back in her chair when the speakers suddenly came back to life. Surprisingly it wasn't Salina's voice they heard but the admirals.
“Gals, I'm already within their scanning range. I'm going to make a run for Crete. Make your way to the Mayet and...” The comm signal cut out.
Sarah buried her head in her hands while Susanna just sat there in shock. Her lips finally opened and one word came out.
We have to go back, Sarah complained. We don't know what happened. His signal may only have been jammed.
If we go back we will be putting ourselves in jeopardy. If his signal was only jammed and hes alright, he'll find a way to make it to Crete, responded Susanna. He gave us an order to return to the Mayet. You've not been initiated into the organization so he couldn't legally do anything to you for disobeying. I however have been, daughter or not, he would have me court martialed.
They had moved into the commons area, Susanna laying on the couch and Sarah pacing around the room. Salina was as usual being displayed on the holovision spinning around in circles trying to face whoever was talking. She soon gave up and theatrically feigned dizziness and collapsed. Instead of getting up though she turned towards Susanna and sat with her legs crossed.
He would never do that. You're his daughter and...
And I disobeyed a direct order to return to ship during a mission while engaged with the enemy, Susanna sighed. You dun understand, my mother was killed because he failed to obey an order from a superior while we were with LSF. We keep our course for Gammu.
Sarah annoyed with Susanna left the commons and returned to her quarters. She had just met the man and yet it was effecting her like she had just lost an old friend. The muscles in her legs began protesting the amount of work they had been getting since they had arrived at Skiros so she began to stretch again. It was bad enough being on blood thinners during an extended flight in her fighter, she was determined not to need them while aboard the Zurich.
Every once in a while there was a thump as a rock rang off the ships deflector shields. Salina had explained to her that the only way through to Kappa was by going through an asteroid field. Sarah had confidence in Salina's ability to pilot them through it without major incident, but the reminders of where they were were still a little unnerving.
Sarah, I hate to break up your little exercise but you had better come up to the bridge, Salina's voice came through the intercom.
Alright, let me shower and change and I'll be there, she had worked up quite a sweat and was drenched through.
You may want to forgo that until after. You need to see this.
Annoyed Sarah threw her new uniform back on the bed and left the room in the jumpsuit she had been using to exercise in. Salina had lit up the floor towards to bridge for her so she wouldn't get lost. The corridors of the ship were cooler than her quarters and she got a chill walking through them wet. She made the last turn into the corridor that led to the bridge and almost bumped into Susanna.
Sorry 'bout that. Just waiting here for ya, didn't feel like going ahead alone, Susanna said. Sarah could tell that she had been crying moments before being summoned. There were tear stains running down her cheeks that she hadn't yet had the chance to wash away, her eyes were a deep red from rubbing, and her nose looked to be 2 sizes larger than what it was.
It's alright, I can understand not wanting to be alone. People handle grief differently, some people want to be left alone to deal with it, others need company to help them through it. Lets go see what Salina has to show us. After that I needa shower but then will be able to sit with you.
Sarah wrapped an arm around Susanna's shoulder and led her down the corridor. When they got to the bridge they were amazed to see a face on the large central screen.
...very lucky, we managed to intercept a signal 'Beginnen angriff ... Skiros' so we knew at once to return. We are in Gamma now, continue along your course to the Kappa jump hole and we should be within each others scanner range within a few days. We will continue our course towards Skiros so try not to deviate too much.
Thank you Commander Thompson, its good to know we don't need to go all the way to Gammu. It's best we keep radio chatter to a minimum in case the enemy sends out scouts.
We agree. OCV-Mayet out.
It would appear we've had a bit of luck for a change. Well, you heard what he said so I shouldn't have to explain it to you, Salina's face replaced the commanders.
Something bothers me, but I can't but my finger on it, Sarah said. When did they say they intercepted the signal?
They didn't say but when I triangulated their position it would indicate at least a week ago. Otherwise they couldn't have traveled so far. Their inter-system communications array has been knocked out of service by a Slomon K'Hara patrol so they had no way of sending a warning.
That was at least a couple days before your arriving! They couldn't have followed you to Skiros. What the hell were they doing there? Susanna exclaimed.
Maybe they were there for you? Maybe they were trying to knock out the Corsairs main source of food. Maybe there was someone else on the base, an outlaw perhaps. I saw the signs for the Jail wing. Perhaps a rescue mission... Who knows. Sarah replied. I think we should report it and let someone else do the worrying. For now I need a shower.
Sarah turned and left the bridge, followed closely by Susanna. As Susanna caught up, Sarah once again wrapped her arm behind her shoulder. They walked like this back to Sarah's quarters where she grabbed her uniform. The shower was cold and quick, just as she liked after a workout. She turned off the water and hit the fan-dry button and her whole body was blasted by warm air from above and below her. So much better than those ancient towels they had back at Skiros.
After getting dressed Sarah passed the time as Susanna showered by examining the pistol she had been given. It was a professional weapon, she could be sure of that. There were controls on either side she could easily reach to switch between Lethal, Stun, and Pain settings. She guessed that pain was like riot control, inflicting pain but no permanent damage. Stun and Lethal were pretty obvious settings. Besides the mode you could adjust the power delivered should your first shot not be enough.
Sarah set the pistol to Low Pain and aimed it at her left arm. She pulled the trigger and immediately regretted it. Her arm felt like someone were holding a branding iron to it. The pistol clattered to the floor as she let go to reach for the spot she shot, but as soon as the beam was cut the pain stopped and her arm was fine. She rubbed the area that had hurt a bit then leaned down to pick up the weapon which she holstered.
After waiting another 5 minutes, Susanna came out of the shower in a matching uniform. They walked together back to the commons where they found a meal laid out for them. Synthetic meat on top of a bed of greens. Salina was displaying herself in an apron on the holovision carrying a tray of food. There was little conversation as they sat down and began to eat. It wasn't the worst thing Sarah had eaten, but it was far from the best. She was no fan of Synth-meat. The meal was quickly devoured and Sarah went over to lay on the couch.
Is there anything we can do for you Sus? Asked Salina. It seems like you're taking this awfully well.
Susanna just needs some time, we can be here for her or if she would prefer we can leave, Sarah told Salina. Shes torn in two by needing to fulfill her duty and wanting to know what happened to her father.
Susanna put the dishes into the washer and then joined came to join Sarah, who sat up to make room for her, on the couch. Sarah wrapped her arm once again around Susanna. This time though Susanna leaned over and rested her head on Sarah's shoulder. She began to cry softly and Sarah wrapped her other arm around Susanna and held her. The sobs just grew in intensity as Salina looked on with a very concerned face.
I'm sorry for your loss Sus...
Hes NOT dead, Sarah shot over at Salina. The signal must have just been jammed or he would have told us he was being pursued.
You're right. It's emotionally best we go on the assumption he got safely away. We have to assume he didn't though in terms of planning. He's an admiral of the Order so the Corsairs will harbor him should he need sanctuary for awhile, Salina rationalized.
Sus, you need to relax. I'm going to take you back to your quarters and put you to bed, I'll stay with you as long as you need though, Sarah told the sobbing young woman.
Sarah got up and led Susanna out of the commons and down the hall to her quarters. Susanna stripped of her uniform and put on a nightshirt without any real emotion. After Susanna crawled into bed Sarah pulled up a chair next to it in which she sat. One of them reached for the others hand and Susanna gave a squeeze. Sarah looked down at her and stroked her hair out of the girls eyes.
Lay next to me please, I dun want to be alone tonight, Susanna pleaded.
Make room for me than.
Sarah climbed into bed next to Susanna and the lights went out in the room. Susanna started to sob again and so once again found herself in Sarah's arms. It wasn't long though before they were both nodding off into the land of dreams. It would be the best rest either of them ever got.
The ship shook, throwing Sarah off the bed to the floor. Groaning, she rubbed her head and looked around, unfamiliar with her surroundings. It took a minute for her to remember that she had fallen asleep trying to comfort Susanna. Susanna was likewise rubbing her eyes and trying to wake up.
Sally... Not funny, Susanna moaned. What the heck was that anyway?
Just us docking with the Mayet.
Oh okay, Susanna replied before opening her mouth in a giant yawn.
Wait, did you say the Mayet? Sarah was still trying to get up off the ground.
The Mayet!? Susanna shot upright now fully awake. Why didn't you get us up earlier?
Well I tried waking you but neither of you responded to the intercom. You still have enough time to make yourselves presentable. That was just the initial connection. Still have to pressurize the bridge before anyone can move between the ships.
Salina, do you think they will have room for my Nyx on the Mayet?
Susanna and Salina both laughed a little leaving Sarah in a very confused state.
Whats so funny? Sarah asked.
Do you not know what the Mayet is? asked Susanna. She continued after Sarah shook her head in the negative. The Mayet is a carrier. She can squeeze in two dozen fighters or bombers. We only brought 18 when we came to get you.
Sarah leaned against the wall bent over in shock. She had known the Admiral was of high rank and would probably be in command of a cruiser. She had never dreamed to be aboard a carrier though. The IMG had carriers of course, but they were only used to protect mass convoys or the home systems. They were never sent out on a mission as mundane as escorting only two passengers.
Yes, the information you carry is that important. We'd have sent someone all the way back to Sol if we needed to. Headquarters wanted to send a battleship but we responded that we knew the targets and that if we did run into trouble, the fighters and bombers on board would give us cover, Susanna explained. A battleship would need others for an escort.
Sarah nodded her head and walked out the compartment. She wanted to get back to her own room and digest what she had just learned. Whoever Susanna and her father worked for had resources to rival one of the Houses.
The door to her room slid open letting air that was slightly cooler wash over Sarah's face as she stood in the entrance. Sighing, she entered the room and walked over to the wall with a small mirror on it. Her hair was a mess so she looked around the room and spied a comb and some bands she could use to hold it back in a ponytail. After combing out most of the knots she stepped back to look at herself. It wasn't the best she had ever looked, but than again there was something bold about the new black uniform that made her appear dangerously appealing.
Looking good, girlfriend, Salina giggled. Pressurization is at about sixty percent. I've informed the Commander that you would like to transfer your Nyx onto the Mayet. Hes going to send a pilot over familiar with the landing procedure of the carrier so its transferred over quickly and safely.
Sarah nodded and looked around the room once more. This room had been her asylum when the galaxy had turned against her. She grabbed the few personal belongings she still possessed and turned her back to the past. As she walked through the corridors back to Susanna's room she began to wonder about what Salina would do now. Ahead she saw Susanna turn out of the room and begin walking towards her.
Sal says to head up to the bridge. She wasn't sure if you heard her back in your room, guess since you're here she was right in that you didn't.
There was a loud clanking noise before Salina came back on over the ship intercom.
Pressurization is complete, I've sent a message that we are all prepared for the transfer. Now we just need to wait for them. Who knows when that will be, you know military protocol and all. There is a bench near the airlock that you can sit on to wait. No need to come up to the bridge, I'll keep you informed there.
There was a loud sigh that issued from one of them. The airlock was back the same way they had come. Sarah stopped mid-step and looked around. This ship had been home for months, it just didn't feel right to leave for some reason. She shook her head to try to clear it and jogged the distance between her and Susanna.
The two arrived at the airlock, ringed with a red LED light indicating they were not cleared to proceed. On the wall next to it though there was a green light to show it was indeed safe. This time both of them sighed and Susanna slumped down onto the bench that had unfolded from the wall. Sarah meanwhile was pacing up and down the short hallway.
Salina, What are you going to do now? I mean you can't really come with us over to the Mayet can you? You said you needed a bunch of computers to hold, well, you.
No, I wont be joining you right now. Commander Thompson has agreed to return to Gammu with me. You're probably not familiar with the planet, but its run by AI programs like myself. They have developed special ships that I can more easily fly. I believe there is a fighter that will allow me to dock with the Mayet. If that's the case than I'll just hook into the Mayet once aboard and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
You have clearance for such a thing? asked Susanna a bit surprised.
I ran into your order while you were just a child still in Liberty. They studied me for awhile, I was the first of my kind they had encountered who was cooperative. Towards the end they began to trust me and so gave me a task, they hooked me into the Toledo mainframe hoping I would be able to pinpoint where all the Slomon K'Hara bases were located. In order to help I would need top level clearance to access all the reports. They were of course hesitant to trust me with that, I could have transferred all the data to Bounty Hunters or the Liberty Navy. Eventually they granted me clearance and I was able to pinpoint a few bases for them. I still have remote access to the mainframe. How did you think I was able to send you all the data I had without you granting permission for me to send it?
I never thought about it, the data was too shocking to wonder how we had it without requesting.
So Sal, I guess we will see you again soon? Sarah asked.
Of course, I'm not going to abandon you with your task only half completed. I promised to help you see this through to the end.
There was another more distant clanking noise and the ring around the airlock door turned green.
They are ready for you now. I will see you gals again soon.
Sarah and Susanna walked towards the hatch which swung open for them. They had to duck their heads in order to crawl inside the small compartment and once they did the hatch closed behind them. A couple minutes passed before anything else happened, then the airlock door to the outside creaked open slowly. Sarah felt cold, very cold air swept in over her. Her heart started racing and her first thoughts were of impending doom. She could still breathe though and soon she realized that while it was very cold, there was oxygen.
Susanna was the first to step onto the bridge between the two ships. Sarah followed behind closely and froze after taking her first step. The walls and floor were transparent, not clear as you could tell they were there, but you could see through them quite easily. The floor below them was steel grating that could slide in under itself. Terror griped at her and even though she was commanding her legs to carry her forward to the other side, they just would not obey.
Sarah had too many nightmares of being sucked out into space and this was not going to be easy. Susanna looked back over her shoulder when she realized that she was no longer being followed. Sarah looked back at her pitifully for help. Susanna remembered her first time crossing over and how she barely made it so she turned around and went back. She took Sarah's hand in her own and pulled her along behind her. It wasn't easy as the young woman's legs barely were willing to cooperate.
They finally reached the end of the bridge and into a much larger airlock. Sarah looked around thankful to once again be surrounded by walls. The hatch into the bridge closed and there was a groan from the airlock door into the rest of the ship. It finally swung open and they stepped through, no sooner had they got through when a young man, no older than either of them, pushed his way into the airlock. Sarah assumed this was the pilot as the door shut behind him.
Sarah turned away from the airlock and looked around. She had never been on a ship of this size. Susanna grabbed her hand once again and pulled her along after her. Sarah was looking in every direction and was delighted to see other people. This wasn't a ghost ship like the Zurich. They finally entered into the bridge and over to a man Sarah recognized as being Commander Thompson.
Ah, welcome back aboard Dr. O'Hara, said the commander before turning towards Sarah. That would make you the infamous Miss Login. Tales of your 'atrocities' have made it as far as Kusari by now I'm afraid. It doesn't help that the IMG is spreading them all over Sirius. Welcome aboard the Mayet.
One end of the room was lit up like day, the other was clouded in shadow. Sarah stood in front of a large screen which was playing the guncam recording of her encounter as she explained all she could and answered any questions that were asked. Scientists and high ranking officers of the ship sat before her taking notes on a large conference table.
Every once in awhile Salina would pop in and add an extra detail that Sarah had overlooked mentioning or had forgotten since the battle. It helped to have told Salina everything she could since unlike the AI, she didn't have a perfect memory. They had picked up Salina at Gammu as planned and were now well along their present course towards the Omicron Minor system.
Finally she had answered the last question asked and went back to her seat next to Susanna exhausted. Commander Thompson, who sat at the right of the head seat stood up and the lights went on. He looked worried, like something he didn't believe was real had walked up to him and punched him in the face. Many others in the room shared a very similar expression. After clearing his throat the commander began to issue orders to various people in the room.
...and Miss Login, you and Dr. White need to come with me. I'm sure you have questions Miss, and after all you've done to bring us this information, the least we can do is inform you of its importance. The scientists will tell you that things can't be confirmed yet, but to hell with that. Every one of us except you knows what that recording shows.
Sarah nodded her head towards the commander and then thought better, Yes sir. she said trying to be brave but sounding like a mouse to her own ears. Susanna reached over and took her hand and squeezed it, offering support and reassurance that she had friends amongst so many strangers.
The commander snapped to attention and everyone else except Sarah did likewise. Sarah watched as they all held out their arms straight. Commander Thompson then said in a stern voice, For Humanity, and the rest replied, The Order fights. Everyone lowered their arms and began filing out of the room.
Susanna sat back down as the commander talked with some of his officers at the far side of the room. Every once in awhile glancing over at Sarah. She was beginning to get uneasy about it so she turned her back to them and examined the room more closely. The walls had screens all around the room. Some, which had a frame around them, were displaying images of men and women all wearing the same uniform that Sarah herself now wore. As she watched the images began to shift and someone else was in their place.
Who are all they, Sarah asked Susanna.
They are the fallen. Men and Women who were killed by the enemy. When this room isn't being used for a conference the table is lowered into the floor and people can come in here to be reminded why they are fighting. Reservations can be made to display a certain person at a certain time if you have lost a loved one. It was my fathers idea and has since been copied by other ships.
Sarah stood and walked over to one of the frames. She watched it for awhile, half expecting to see someone she recognized. Susanna came up behind her and stood in silence. A tear rolled down Sarah's cheek as she realized many of the people were not much older than herself. So many lost fighting a war many didn't even know was being fought.
A lot of friends, a lot of loved ones, Susanna said as she stepped before the monitor and put her hand up against it. Don't get me wrong, they've all died protecting the rest of us from very real threats. It's just, some hurt more than others.
High Command liked your father's idea so much they've adopted it in their offices on Toledo, Commander Thompson informed, having sneaked up behind them. Now come, its time to answer some questions.
Commander Thompson led them out the door and through some corridors. Inside was a simple desk and some chairs. Sarah was reminded that he was only acting CO of the vessel and not its Captain. Sarah sat in one of the chairs facing the desk as Susanna and Commander Thompson conversed quietly in the doorway for a few seconds before taking their own seats.
Dr. White here tells me that she has left it to me to explain who we are and what we do. We are the Order. Our primary objective is the safety of humanity, both from other species and from its self. Despite what many people think, the Slomon K'Hara are real. They still remain in Sirius and its been our mission to hunt them down and destroy them. It has been difficult as they can be a parasite, infesting humans with their own will and controlling their actions.
Infested humans are referred to as The Wild. They operate mostly in Southern Sirius, though there have been reports of people being infested in Kusari lately. It is our belief that you ran into a Wild task force during your patrol. All of the ships we have so far identified in your video are registered as 'missing in action' or 'killed in action' by the Rheinwehr, Commander Thompson told Sarah.
So Rheinland's claims of innocence in my attack are in fact true, Sarah said aloud to no one in particular. I'm sorry sir, what are the Slomon K'Hara? I have heard them mentioned a few times but I don't recognize the name.
They are what you would call the Nomads. They are very old and we know little of their orgins, what we do know have only been glimpses, transmissions if you will, sent to us telepathically by Nomads themselves. They were created as an experiment by another race called the Daam-K'Vosh, for what purpose, no one knows. We do however know that they are true natives to the Sirius sector, Susanna interjected as Sarah gave her a bit of a shocked look. What? My specialty is xenobiology. The Slomon K'Hara are one of only two alien races we know about.
Right now, Sarah, you are at a crossroad in your life. We would like to offer you a position in The Order, your record from IMG shows us that you are a more than competent pilot. However you are still free to leave us, though I must inform you that you will be hard pressed to find any legitimate work out there now with the stories being spread so far. Are there any questions you have that would help you make your decision?
No sir, I think I have all the information I can absorb right now. I need a little time to think about it all though. So many things have happened in the last few days and I have only once been able to sleep. My mind is at the point of pure exhaustion and if I push it too much further I'm afraid it will rebel and try crawling out an ear. Would it be possible to sleep on it and give you my answer in a couple days? I am fairly sure I will accept your offer but I want some time to think about it and be able to ask any questions I may think of.
You may have 2 days Miss Login. Any longer would be putting the organization at risk should you decide to leave us. You will be limited to the residential and recreational wings of the ship until you decide to join us. Should you decide to leave than we will allow you to access the Hanger where your Nyx is being kept on the day of your departure. I know these conditions may seem like we are imprisoning you, but much of this ship is classified, Commander Thompson replied.
Sir, I request a 2 day duty exemption so I may escort Miss Login around the parts of the ship she has access too. I can answer any questions that she has and also tell her some more of our history. There's also Salina who can fill her in on whatever she needs to know in order to make her decision.
Granted, I think that's a very good idea, answered Commander Thompson. I'm sure she will think of questions as she has time to think further about things.
Sir, I do have one question. Has there been any word of the Admiral? Sarah asked.
I'm sorry, we contacted the Corsairs on Crete while we were moored at Gammu and they have had no contact with him as yet, the commander explained. Its possible he landed at their Tripoli Shipyard and not yet sent word to Crete. It would be safest not to let Das Wilde know about an Order Admiral in the same system as them without at least an armada.
Understood sir. I was just curious.
I think you two should get some rest. Salina wants to talk to you later when you wake up, right now she is still busy integrating with the ships mainframe. Its good she doesn't have another AI to contend with for control.
With that the commander stood up from behind his desk and escorted the two ladies out the door. Susanna then took the lead and led the way to the crew quarters. As a visiting scientist, Susanna was assigned her own guest quarters. An extra bed was rolled into the room by some ensigns for Sarah. When the ensigns left Sarah fell into the bed with exhaustion. There was so much to digest and try to make sense of.
Susanna crawled into her own bed and flipped a switch next to her bed. The room was plunged into darkness. It was cool and other than a distant reverberation that Sarah could feel more than hear, utterly quiet. The silence was broken though as Susanna began to sob softly. Sarah got up and like before, laid down next to the weeping woman and held her as the tears began to flow out of her eyes.
Sarah too felt like crying, things were overwhelming and she finally had the time think. Her own eyes began to water and she tried to fight back the tears. One very stubborn tear trickled out her eye and down her cheek. It was to be the first of many that night as she finally let her exhaustion and worry, fear and anger out as they both cried themselves to sleep.