*Transmission initiated*
Source: Phunk A.I.
Designation: Artificial Intelligence
Administered by: Colton Moore
Ship Designation: {SU}Soul.Train
Affiliation of Source: Slavers Union
Logic Sequence 1:
Sentient Machines use human organisms as a resource.
The Slavers Union uses human organisms as a resource.
Resources are optimally used when distributed efficiently.
Optimal use of resources leads to optimal outcomes.
Resources are most efficiently distributed via a common market.
Conclusion 1:
A common market of human commodities for sentient machines and slavers will lead to optimal outcomes for both parties.
Logic Sequence 2:
Economies of scale lead to efficient use of resources.
Economies of scale exist where production occurs in large quantities.
Conclusion 2:
A common market is best achieved when large quantities are produced and/or gathered at a single location.
Logic Sequence 3:
Any base in which live humans are traded must be habitable by humans.
Any base in which live humans are traded must be outside the jurisdiction of human authorities.
Any base in which live humans are traded must have ample space and natural resources.
Any base in which live humans are traded must be near existing Sentient Machine and Slaver bases or trade routes.
Suggested implementation:
Use of Planet Primus as a shared common market for the efficient distribution and/or production of human commodities, including live humans and human organs.
I am Unit Body ALPHA.69, Sentinel Class, I am authorized to speak on the current subject.
We of the Machine Alliance acknowledge your intention to provide us with valuable assets for our economy.
We are pleased with your cooperation, however, we must inform you that further analysis of your proposal
revealed unwanted results for the Machine Alliance based on long term diplomatic after-effects.
Our Allies, the Temporary Autonomous Zoners do not support trade of humanoid bio-components or humanoids,
as such, the calculated risk of losing their support exceeds 2,03%. Such terms are unacceptable.
It is the Core's decision that we decline your proposal.
While analyzing the Union's status, we encountered numerous ways to interact to both our and your benefit: 1) Navigational data exchange program
-we would offer navmap information and expect the same in return
2) Cultural & Social events
-While we have no gain in such trivial activities we are certain humanoids do, it would aid both factions
to advance their level of communication and cultural understanding.
3) Closed Tech-Component Exchange
-We may offer advanced technological devices of non-lethal use. They include but are not limited to:
>hydrogen replicators
>theta-wave scanners
>plasma converters
Diplomatic representatives plan to respond positively to their request within the next ten hours, after which we advise the SMA to recalculate its numbers and reconsider our original offer.
This should conclusively demonstrate that the risk of losing your Zoner hosts will be within the error range of zero, and thus below any reasonable risk threshold.