Well don't over do the text. The combination of colors is good, and the woman in the background is cool. I personally feel the image is way to large, if it is supposed to be a signature. I like to keep mine from 350-400 width and 100-120 in height. The biggest problems is the text though, mostly just because it looks like photoshop filters. The gradients make them hard to read in some places, and this doesn't look like it needs a thick gradient. Usually my rule when I make anything in photoshop is if you are not going for a cheesy nostalgic look any filter you have to use should be toned down to the point where you can almost not see it. Gradients shouldn't be black to white, but maybe black to dark gray. For a first try I would say good job, you are off to a great start thats for sure.
Here is an example I made. I tossed on some different text so you can see what they look like side by side.
I like to try and not use stroke around text, but prefer a very light drop shadow, a dark thing dropshadow, and a color that shows up well on a background. But if you have to use stroke use the 1 pixel stroke. On the far left I have a Light Blue Tint gradient into a Blue Tint. It's almost at the point where you can't notice the gradient. The one after it it white to dark blue and looks like something from a powerpoint slide.
I REALLY love it as it is right now. Too high for a signature right now, but I think thats not the point of it....yet.
You managed to catch the atmosphere of this picture. Its breath taken. And this angel in the back...wow. Its not jumping into your face and bothersome.