The above linked topic is a discussion about the Nomad war.
In it, the Combine Soldier had posted a youtube Extended FL intro link, which shows us how the Nomads came to Sol some time after the escape of the Sleeper ships, and how they blew up Sol.
Now, as I've read in the afore mentioned thread, the Nomad Lore is based on this intro, as well as some other things.
Does this in fact negate the possibility of Gallia as we know it today? I'd say that the intro doesn't leave a lot of time to construct an enlarged version of the sleeper ship by a crippled nation, during an all out war in Sol.
Whatever you say it doesn't change what there is now. Live with it. Accept it.
Also there is no indication as to when exactly the Nomad vessel appeared in Sol. It is only known that it happened at the assault on the Pluto, the last bastion of Alliance, effectively at the very end of the war, whilst sleeper ships have launched long before Coalition made it that far.
Honestly a lot of Gallia has a ton of holes in its plausibility. Just chalk this up as another one. Not like it matters now anyways.
You know, like how the other four houses got to Sirius first but didn't have the ability to construct two huge mine fields pretty far from their home system yet Gallia did...........without being noticed.........rite!
Well, id say it was because the first 5 Sleeper Ships were launched from Europa (i think, one of Jupiters moons anyway), and the nomad pwncannon only appeard during the assault on Pluto, which i would immagine being a long while after the first 5 were launched. During that time (many months, perhaps even years) the French would probably have had ample capabilities to build a ram-shackle Sleeper Ship and send it on its way.
' Wrote:Whatever you say it doesn't change what there is now. Live with it. Accept it.
Also there is no indication as to when exactly the Nomad vessel appeared in Sol. It is only known that it happened at the assault on the Pluto, the last bastion of Alliance, effectively at the very end of the war, whilst sleeper ships have launched long before Coalition made it that far.
Just a short time the sleeper ships were launched. A lot of time before the sleeperships reached sirius or somehow had ability to "wake up" nomads like it is written in lore.
' Wrote:Just a short time the sleeper ships were launched. A lot of time before the sleeperships reached sirius or somehow had ability to "wake up" nomads like it is written in lore.
(Sorry if that is quite offensive cirticism.)
Check out lore's FAQ, those were a different branch. And currently they are unaware of each other's existence. All I can tell so far that it is important to the storyline. No need for apologies, you are simply mistaken here for assuming they are the same ones.
Quote:The fate of the Sol system itself was largely unknown and it's people where presumed to be under Coalition control until the late 8th century, when edge world astronomers discovered Sol's name-giving G2V-class star turning into a bright flash of light. While it is generally agreed upon that this event has turned humanity's cradle into a barren wasteland, the reasons for this are currently unknown.
You know that the light they saw in the 8th century wasn't Sol going Nova that exact moment right? Light doesn't travel from Sol to Sirius in a few seconds. It travels at....heh light speed. Meaning there was a big gap between the time Sol blew up and the time the light from said supernova reached Sirius.
No one can be sure on the time though, we don't know the distance between Sol and Sirius do we?
Gallia's sleeper ship launched prior to the sun's destruction, but reached Sirius behind the other ships. Many reasons as to why that happened can be thought up quite easily; Due to the fact that this ship was built in secrecy, the technological abilities may have been below the other ships, making it slower. It traveled for some time before finding a suitably habitable world to start on. Problems with the engines or during the trip caused delays.
The main one though, is that Gallia is a further distance than Sirius was. They had to travel farther. Gallia technically isn't part of the region of space called Sirius. That's why Gallians refer to everyone else as Sirians.