Well, remember the mine fields in Orkney and all? What a Mine Layer would do would be to lay smaller versions of these mine fields (Much lesser damage, mines with LONG fuses) which you could lay around Jump holes or something to cripple an invasion If you know it's coming. They might not be powerful enough to take down Capital ships, but fighters would be in trouble, and it would certainly introduce new strategy elements.
Of course, they should not last forever, and If a mine-laying ship is made, it should have few-no weapons, also make Mine-laying a slow job (SLOW reload time) and self destruct as soon as they hit something.
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Pretty sure it's possible.
[18:47:07 | Edited 18:47:07] Alex: The way DSAce is used to update stuff client side at the moment
[18:47:37] Alex: Wouldn't it be possible to make something similar that would add stuff to the client's memory like stations or minefields?
[18:47:51] Josh: It would be able to do that, but it would put the server under immense load.
[18:48:06] Josh: So technically yes, pheasibly probably not, if not definitely not.
[18:48:09] Alex: Why would that be?
[18:48:53] Josh: Because imagine say 100 people adding that base to their files dynamically. The server not only has to maintain the changes, but the client has to retain them in memory.
Too much lagg would be made by spawning minefields, just like stations - and with everyone on the server being forced to add that to the client files? Might work on the smaller servers. But for the main one? Ouch... Then if you have a ship that is laying mines as it goes... Well, I doubt that would work.
Could be an alternate way to do it though.
Oh, and with mine laying ships, we might aswell have /abusetoy aswell.