Yeah, this is another crazy idea from yours-truely, but hopefully not as pointless as some of my past brainstorms. If this works, it could make mining more fun and productive, as well as lessen the angry folks complaining about the time it takes to fill their holds.
I was reading through the ship descriptions for some of the mining craft when something jumped out at me. One of the infocards mentioned that mining ships were designed to survive explosions within minefields...
I know what you are thinking: NO! NO RANDOM EXPLODIES IN THE ORE FIELDS!!! But let me finish...
There could be a random percentage of asteroids that contain "volatile" material that explode like a mine when shot; just bumping them wouldn't trigger them. The damage that results wouldn't be instant death, but if a chain reaction ensued from one volatile asteroid triggering another... then you could have a problem. Think of it as a 3D game of minesweeper.:) I was thinking an explosion radius of 1,000 m with a "speed" of 350 m/s.
In turn, drop ratios could be upped to a reasonable amount to compensate for the additional danger.
I just figured this was worth posting, since it could make mining more exciting as well as giving a justifiable reason to increase the drop of the ore fields so people don't spend three hours out there. People do start to act a little funny after staring at rocks for that long...:P
If you would like to refine this idea, or you simply like it, feel free to post.:D
I welcome this idea. Although I must say that mining, especially solo mining has great enough risks already, namely when dealing with pirates.
Also the explosions would be pretty damn powerful to drop those transport shields - which presents an even larger problem for fighting in asteroid fields, if the explosions are as powerful as you say they'd even be able to instakill a LF.
Considering the leveling system in FreeLancer is useless, i really don't see the point. If the leveling was a time thing or somthing it would be good. But not the fact it's the value of your ship and items. it's just way to easy to level up unless you are brand new on the server.
' Wrote:Considering the leveling system in FreeLancer is useless, i really don't see the point. If the leveling was a time thing or somthing it would be good. But not the fact it's the value of your ship and items. it's just way to easy to level up unless you are brand new on the server.
I don't see the relevence of this in relation to the thread. Besides nobody looks at the levels anyway, it's not an indication of anything, just how much money you have.
' Wrote:I welcome this idea. Although I must say that mining, especially solo mining has great enough risks already, namely when dealing with pirates.
Also the explosions would be pretty damn powerful to drop those transport shields - which presents an even larger problem for fighting in asteroid fields, if the explosions are as powerful as you say they'd even be able to instakill a LF.
Well, what I was going for was an explosion that is extremely powerful, but not impossible to outrun. I guess 350m/s is too fast fot that, so probably 199m/s instead. Basically, if you are in a LF, you should be able to get well clear of the explosion once you see it coming. Unless of course, if you are right next to the asteroid that blows up...
I personally think it would be epic to have random explosions during asteroid field fights. Think StarWars episode 2 when Jango is chasing Obi Wan.:)
Say... maybe the explosion damage could be a radiation blast, thus bypassing shields... That could be interesting.
' Wrote:The idea sounds of miner protection one.
You start to be pirated, you jsut MIIIIIIIIIIINE and have them die.
But that isn't so bad, is it? I mean, miners still transport their goods via tradelanes, so they still get pirated. And besides, there is just as much chance that the miner will get caught in the explosion as the pirate. But yes, it could help lessen the number of pirates that fly into asteroid fields to terrorize miners. That wasn't my goal, but in the end, it isn't such as bad thing, is it?