NOTE: This thread is now an in-character recruitment thread! Other transmissions, especially those regarding relations to other factions are allowed, within reason.
The latest weapon in the arsenal of Queen Carina against the enemies of Bretonia is about to arrive!
Queen Carina's Privateers, [QCP], were formed by Captain Andrew Stuart of Planet Harris, an ace of the Kusari War. He came to the conclusion that the enemy's terrifying fleet would be less able to function in a combat situation without financial aid and supplies.
He wrote a treatise, 'Interdiction and the Disruption of Supply Lines', and presented it to the Queen. He, and any of his wingmen, would be honoured with a Letter of Marque to hurt the financial strength of the Kusari Empire. In essence, she handed him a license to pirate.
The audacious young Captain then began to assemble a wing of elite Bretonian fighter pilots as well as a few unsavoury, 'experienced', sorts from the Omicrons and beyond in order to conduct his task.
Tag: Bretonian Armed Forces NPC tag. [QCP] before character name. A good roleplay related name or callsign would be ideal.
ID: Mercenary ID. Under their Letter of Marque, [QCP] are on a long-term contract from the Queen to attack Kusari shipping and military ships.
Ship use: Templars, Hussars and Bretonian Gunboats. Possibility for transports and freighters too.
Weapon use: Civilian and Bretonian weaponry. Some Outcast weapons will be allowed, since they are surreptitiously backing the Bretonian war effort. (Some even say that some of the Outcasts are giving Captain Stuart advice on piracy.)
Will be allied to all Bretonian based military, police and civilian factions (providing that agreements are met with faction leaders.). Allied to the Sirius Federation.
Will be hostile to Kusari based military, police and civilian factions.
Will be hostile to the Corsairs and their allies.
Will be neutral towards Outcasts and their allies, providing that they don't cause trouble in Bretonia. Mollys will be tolerated (Unfriendly), so long as they keep their activities in Dublin.
Will be unfriendly to Bounty Hunters in general. They probably won't bother touching [QCP] in Bretonia but may cause trouble in the Tau systems and Kusari.
To join Captain Andrew Stuart's new wing, I will require a short RP background for the character wishing to join. Skill at flying isn't really required, it can be taught easily enough. People with piracy experience would be a bonus, though.
I should get the faction up and running within the next week or two, after my next exam.
She was a small, frail girl, but she exuded wealth.
"Welcome to Java, Captain Stuart, now...about this venture you are going on?..." she paused, grinned. "Rob the bastards...I love it...Now, im willing to bankroll this venture...three hundred million starting...more later if it pans out. But I want an active role. I want a spot in the wing."
The cocky looking young man in his mismatched, flashy version of a Bretonian Armed Forces uniform looked the lass up and down.
"A Kusari lass? Joining us!?" he exclaimed, with a cheeky grin...
"That's brilliant! We need pilots even more than money just now! Apparently we're not good enough for your average flyboy.... You Golden Chrysanthemum lassies are okay, you know that? I guess you're a fan of Her Majesty, aye?"
He then, with a flourish, drew a pen from his pocket. A few quick scribbles on a shiny piece of paper with his tongue prodding from the side of his mouth and...
"Here you go! A commission to be a pilot in Her Majesty's Most Diligent Interdiction Wing... or Queen Carina's Privateers as we call ourselves!
Get yourself kitted out with a Templar or Hussar back at base within two weeks or so, lass. Tell the quarter-master that I sentcha. I still have some issues to deal with before we are operational, so no need to rush yourself."
FROM: Edward Hawkins TO: Captain Andrew Stuart RE: Queen Carina's Privateers
Transmission Reads:
Good day, Captain.
My commanding officers have rather forcefully pointed me in your direction. Apparently I lack the proper discipline and respect for the chain of command for normal military service. That said, I am a Queen's Man through and through, and have dedicated my life to the protection of Bretonian space. I wish to continue my service to the Crown with you and your Privateers.
I have been allowed to retain command of my gunboat, the Revenge, on the condition that I continue to serve as a Privateer. I'm also a reasonably skilled fighter pilot, though I admit I'm likely a bit rusty.
Comm. ID:CODENAME Stark To: Captain Stuart Subject: Recruitment
I hear you are in need of pilots. The Official Bretonian war effort has been going... 'slower' than what I have expected. I feel that this is more suited to my abilities. Are you willing to recruit me?
To: Pilots Stark and Hawkins Comm. ID: Captain Andrew Stuart
Message Begins//
Right lads, I'll be accepting ye into our, ahem, noble ranks forthwith! You shall go through a probationary period, seeing as I'm unfamiliar with you.
For the next few weeks I still have some organising, fundraising and recruitment to do ((OOC: Real life issues. Also want to give the Kusari factions time to muster a respectable force.)), so I don't want you to ready your ships until my order.
On the subject of orders, I want you to know that I'm a bit of a sucker for discipline... basically what I says goes. This doesn't mean that I don't want your input or opinions... far from it. But for those of you with a discipline problem, I expect my orders to be followed.
On a lighter note though, my orders tend to involve dashing and daring exploits! No poncy guard duty for us! We'll be able to put all of your enthusiasm and energy to good use!
-Andrew Stuart out!
//Message Ends
OOC: Right, we have enough members for a faction now. Posting in faction thread. As I've mentioned, we won't be fully active for another week or so.
I'll also like all members to PM me their skype details. If they don't have it, getting it would be great but isn't essential.
OOC: Okay, this is now a recruitment thread by the looks of things! Feel free to continue putting in applications until I get a message dump sorted out.
Comm. ID:CODENAME Stark To: Captain Stuart Subject: Ship Setup
Captain, I'm at Manhattan, trying to keep a low profile. My contacts are ready to 'arrange' a perfectly legal deal where I will be the proud captain of a Bretonian Gunboat. Just say when, and I'll be on my way.
Comm. ID:CODENAME Stark To: Captain Stuart Subject: Ship Setup
Captain, I'm at Manhattan, trying to keep a low profile. My contacts are ready to 'arrange' a perfectly legal deal where I will be the proud captain of a Bretonian Gunboat. Just say when, and I'll be on my way.
---End Transmission---
To: Stark
Comm. ID: Captain Andrew Stuart
Re: Ship Setup
Message Begins//
Sorry, pilot, we're attempting to make limited use of such heavy craft. They aren't terribly suited to our task for the most part. For the moment, I'd like you to make use of Templars and Hussars. They are the ships that win wars, not gunboats. Trust me on that.
I will arrange, in the next few days, for equipment on our supply ship, the Queen's Ransom, to be transferred to your fighter.