Some stuff a man sees can make 'im just stop and think, right? That 'appened today. I've seen a lot in me time, from men drownin' in pits of mine slag, to entire tunnels being held up by a single Cambridge limber until all t' miners got out. Nothin' from those Leeds days compares to t'day though.
I'd just taken the Wing down from Leeds, through the 'back road', if ye get me meaning. Pah, of course ye don't. You're just a recording box. Anyway, swapped the locations of a few jumpholes for a bit of scratch from a mate of a mate's wife's brother's sister who's got something to do with some sort of spacing syndicate. Was on me way to Rhienland, headin' through Omega 3.
Got to the Freeport to see nothin' less than a bloody Phantom. I always thought they was just stories made up to make the kiddies behave. Made my knees go weak it did. Just as well I was sittin' down at the time. Anyway, this Spatial undocks and opens fire on it, much to all our horror. They fight for a bit, then there's this bloody great blue explosion and the Spatial disintegrates. Then another Spatial undocks and does the same. Followed by a third.
At this point some sort 'o Zoner warship unmoors and tells the Phantom to piss off or die, for breaching the 'NFZ'. 'Course, the Spatial started it. The Phantom tells 'im this, but is ignored. The cruiser then opens fire, and over the next ten minutes, destroys all the orbiting storage depots, and hits the station itself with a stray cruiser missile. Then a wing of 'RHA' Hessians arrives, declares the warship as rogue and join the Phantom in pegging it!
Just as it went up, I felt I'd outstayed me welcome and scarpered. No telling what would happen next, 'specially considering a squad of Navy boys had just turned up chasing a Freelancer, who were being followed at the same time by some 'Harvesters'. Chaos bleedin' everywhere. It did make me stop and think though. Out in the big black it's just luck, right? Any moment could be your last. S'why I set up me debt lodgings, to make sure I pay my dues to people who I owe em to.
S'pose it's about time I fired up the old recorder box again. I've found meself a real sweet route I've been plyin' for the last few days. S'a circular that travels through Liberty, Bretonia and Rhienland - in that order. S'a bit risky all thing considered, given that I'll be seein' Corsairs, Mollies, Gaians and Buccaneers in Bretonia; Hessians, Unioners and those Bund-e-chew people in Rhienland; Liberty Rogues, Xenos, Lane Hackers and Outcasts in Liberty. Plus there's potential scraps with the law, considerin' I'm jumping the embargo between the latter two.
Had meself a fair exciting time of it too - pirates galore, an' the Camara's been as good a' platform as I could hope for. Been chased by Sabres, Tridentes, Werewolves, Barghests, Rogue Gunboats, Bayonets, Lane Hacker Gunships an' a few others I've forgotten. Never lost anythin' except a little time and paint. Nippy little ship, this Camara.
Still, been considerin' adding to me garage. Durin' me circular, I've picked up contacts, y'see. Single most useful bein' Isaac_Gulliver. Set me up in the world, he did. Got me from a Rhino to me Camara when he gave me a little two-stop, runnin' weed under the Navy's nose at Houston. Now he's been regularly feedin' back route updates that we'll both find useful later. Good bloke, an' I'll be sure to help him out whenever I can. Already gave him the circular, an' he found that one interesting enough.
Anyway, that wasn't what I was talkin' about. He's the one that gave me the idea of expansion. Y'see, he got himself a little light fighters after trading out his Camara, an' was helping out a pirate in Colorado. Portable cruise disruptor type thing, I think. Either way, he sullied his name with the law on that one. So, he got hiself another Camara, and had the license changed on it to read Stasis.Goods[Aeota], right? So now he's got his light fighter, and t'Camara. That's what got me thinking.
Durin' me circular, a dealer on Munich tried to set me up with a preliminary contract for a gull transport. Told me to pay in a deposit as a down-payment, then the rest would be done as instalments. Din' pay him any heed then, seein' as me financial situation weren't what it is now. O' course, I'm mighty fond of me Camara, which leaves me with some three options. i) Rent out some hangar space, somewhere or other and mothball it until I'm in the area and need it again, ii) hire out another freelancer to fly it for me - he keeps half the profits for flying as his wages, I keep half for ownership, iii) fit some sort of remote control system so I can keep it goin' on me own.
Last one bein' the most attractive, but the least practical 'o course. Hell knows how much it'd cost to get the right gear, and I wouldn't know where to start lookin' for it in the first place. That leaves me option two, right? I ain't gonna mothball the Wing, so I'll be openin' up recruitment to fly it for me. Final note - gonna add Issac to the debt listin's, for all the help he's given me.