Right now, the /renameme command can be used at anytime for 2 million to change the name of your ship. Once it's done, you cannot use it again for 7 days.
I propose that be changed. Slightly.
I propose that you can only use /renameme while docked, and can use it as often as you like, without additional cost other than the initial 2 million, whilst you are docked at that location. Once you launch or are moved by the Admins, however, the 7 day limit kicks in.
Y'know, just in case you don't quite get the spelling right the first time, or if your faction doesn't approve of the name. Gives you a small chance to rectify it without having to bother the Admins, or wait a week with the new, 'bad' name.
Arms and Legs Guy Wrote:Don't tell them the truth : That in reality you are a potbellied german VW factory worker named Horst.
I'm not saying it should always be free, and the change I proposed does not stop the current counter-measures against abuse from working.
Those that do change their names would still have the 7 day waiting period, I'm saying that they should have multiple goes at what name they are changing it to whilst docked (Since it is impossible to pirate from people while docked). Once they are in space the 7 day period is active, and they have to wait a week to change it again.
For example, say Terry.Phillipine wanted to change his name to Feral.Piglet.
With the current scheme, he would be charged 2 million for the change, and if he spelt it wrong (Ferak.Piglet, for example), he'd have to keep the new name for 7 days before paying yet another 2 million to fix it.
Time lost: 7 days
Money lost: 4 million
With my scheme, so long as he did not undock afterwards, he could fix the error for free until he undocked, whereupon any further changes would have to occur after the 7 day period, and cost a further 2 million.
Time lost: ~1 minute
Money lost: 2 million.
Arms and Legs Guy Wrote:Don't tell them the truth : That in reality you are a potbellied german VW factory worker named Horst.
That change would be great! I often had the situation where after renaming I instantly wanted to change the name again.
There's an example: I started a new ship and named it LittleRedRidingHood, which I then thought to be a good idea. After I realized it could be read like:
little Red riding Hood
I instantly wanted to change it, but wasn't able to. With your proposed change I would not have had to wait for the seven days to go by.
So- yes, please let's change the /rename -command-settings.
' Wrote:for those who missed it: the moral of it all is ----> traders with teeth are fun for pirates. - within reason.
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Well, I imagine a simple boolean expression could do it.
Set a boolean Variable on each character, with a default setting of False (Has not used /renameme yet)
/renameme sets the variable to True
undocking sets it to False, activates the timer.
When using /renameme, it checks the variable. If it's False, it then checks if the timer is up (7-day waiting period) If this is true, then it costs 2 million and accepts it.
If it is True, then it goes through with it, and does not deduct the cash.
Arms and Legs Guy Wrote:Don't tell them the truth : That in reality you are a potbellied german VW factory worker named Horst.