Allright, I hope its the right forum part to ask for help in the matter I need.
I am doing a diplo work that has sort of international dimension. And I need help on some parts with that.
Willing to pay millions of disco creds for sensible help, links, e-books, anything.
Topic is
in English : Protection of personality, right of privacy
in Deutsch : Pers?nlichkeitsschutz, der
To elaborate, I need articles, court rulings, lawyer opinons on that from your country!.) I am not limited to just UK or Germany, I could use anything from entire Europe; USA, Czech Rep, Slovakia, Russia excluded. Preferably countries in EU.
Hope at least someone is capable of helping me out ^^
Protection of personality? If the President of the USA decides that he suspects you might be an "enemy combatant" then you can be legally un-personed, stripped of all rights and protections as a human being. Totally negates the Geneva Conventions, so the CIA no longer has to illegally "rendition" people outside US borders to torture them. And they said Bush was dismantling the Constitution...
Oh yeah the Patriot Act. Look it up on Wikipedia or something. Basically, the Freedom of Information Act has been effectively nullified and the NSA can do all sorts of privacy and rights-violations without warrants that were formerly considered a felony under US law.
Enjoy writing that paper, I'd probably be accused of being a traitor in the classroom for openly criticizing such things. Patriotism here has reached the point of moral lunacy. God help us all.
Or, what about the recently passed Digital Economy Bill 2010. This may not be as useful, but there was an uproar from several parties about it being an infringement of privacy.
Or, even better, try the Information Commissioner's Office website, at
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