I recently got a loan and went to Oder Shipyard to purchase a Stork.
On my way, a Rheinlander stopped me and told me to leave the system.
I asked why and it seems im tagged " Interspace". This tag is not wanted
By me or Rheinland, And i wonder how i can get rid of it.
Im currently carrying an Independent Trader ID.
This tag limits my freedom to trade in (not between) diffrent systems.
Im not bound to any of these houses, thought i used /Restart Liberty once.
I just wished i could get rid of this tag, and if there is any way to "reset"
My reputation with the houses of Sirius to neutral.
I think it's already answered, but, To use ships with more than 3800 Cargo, You'll need to get a Trade Faction ID, and it's best if you choose the ID according to your Route. And about the Rheinlander stopping you, It is because Rheinland and Liberty are at war with each other, and Interspace is originally a Libertonian Corp, so, things are not easy for them around the place, Just go to Oder without any Cargo and if they stop you again, just say something InRP like you're going to Bonn Station, then PM them in ooRP then tell them you just want to buy the ship, they should be nice enough to let you pass.;)
P.S: Also, if you're planning to trade as an Interspace within Rheinland, keep in mind that because of Embargo rules, you can only trade in the commodities listed in the end of This Thread's First post, but even That, is only if you're supplying Bonn Station.