There has been discussion among the members of the Slavers Union about our name. Mainly we are concerned about the limitations it has placed upon us. We wear the Junker Tag and ID which allows allot of fun RP potential, however it limits us in the eyes of others. So far the general consensus is that we only deal in Slavery, instead of that just being our biggest trade.
Also the name lacks originality and is repressing the ever so important recruitment. We just don't stand out. Therefore this thread is a forewarning that a complete faction name change, along with tag is iminent.
Anyone with any suggestions or qualms about us doing this please state your piece, it would be much appreciated.
' Wrote:Servitus Undique (latin for "slavery everywhere")
Not bad I like the Latin but once again it puts too much emphasis on slavery. That vile crime is one of our number one hobbies but it is not the only that we want to involve ourselves in.
Our existing tag is not an issue. If it turns out better to change our tag so be it. I'd rather spend the money now while we are small in number rather then later when it would be very expensive.
Right now there is tossing about the use of the word Consortium, but it is still tentative.
Consortium is used for everything, in all sorts of games.
I would advise something less cliche... the only problem being that every evil corporation name has been used unto oblivion...
Syndicate is cliche, ain't it? Perhaps... the Galactic Collective of Independent Businessmen? Shorten it to the IB? Dunno, I can't come up with names that sound good at this hour of the night. I'm terribly sorry.
' Wrote:How about the Sirius Smugglers Consortium? {SSC} for short. Or maybe just Smugglers Union if you don't want to bother changing your tag.
I vote for Smugglers Union so you can keep {SU} and not bother the admins with all the name changes. In fact, I demand you take this route! :rtfm:
"To gain a hundred victories in a hundred battles is not the highest excellence;
to subjugate the enemy's army without doing battle is the highest of excellence."