*Incomming transmission*
From: La Veuve Noire~ [color=lightblue]La famille de La Brise de Mer
To: All IDF, GMS and EFL shippers of Gallia
Subject: An offer you can't refuse
Mes salutations,
I am La [color=pink]Veuve Noire, and I represent the Corsican family that is La Brise de Mer. I hold at heart the interests of Gallia, and it's economy, most importantly. You represent the heart of Gallia's economy, so we believe that you should always travel safely, no matter what are the menaces, to keep the materials and credits rolling. Gallia is a dangerous place to live in, who knows when you'll find yourselves between the greedy hands of the Brigands or another Corse, or victim of a vengeful attack from the Maquis or the Council.
So, I have an offer for each and all of you. You pay us whatever monthly price you want (starting for as low as 5 million credits!), and we make sure that you never get in trouble. That means, if a member of La Brise De Mer is nearby (as signalled our LaBrise| tag), we will make sure that no evil will try to steal your credits away from you. If, for any reason, we are not around or unable to assist, pay the criminal and take guncams of everything! We will repay you 75% of whatever sum he might have taken away from you, up to twice the value of credits you have paid to us already this month! (As an example, if a pirate takes away 2 million credits from you, we will repay you the sum of 1.5 million credits. If you have paid us 10 million credits this month, we will repay you up to a toal of 20 million credits. This means that if you are pirated 2 million credits, and we already repaid you 19 million credits, we will only give you back a million credits.)
Your donation will last for 30 days in our records, afterwards, you will have to give us another sum of your choice to still be part of our protection. Repay fees also resets after each donations, so if you weren't pirated in a month you offered us 10 million credits, and give us another 10 million credits the next month, you will not be protected for 40 million credits, simply 20.
If you have any questions, you may ask them over this channel.
Also, to all groups that would represent the IDF, GMS and EFL, please contact me. We may have special offers just for you.
[color=black]La [color=pink]Veuve Noire
List of donators-
1. Name of the vessel-
Sum donated-
Sum repaid-
This is Capt. Garrick of the borderworlds tradeship "LucrativeTransport.Inc." and I was cruising through Burgundy a bit ago and picked up this message, even saw two of your La Brise tagged pilots, we said bonjour too.Now when my comm's officer brought this to my attention, it just had to make me wonder, would this offer stand for non-Gallic freelancers such as me and my crew? We do tend to silently pass through your nice part of space more and more.
Now another question me and some of my crew have is, your IFF to us, we believe was corse. What confuses us is, that mean we'd be buying protection from yourselves and those other groups? Another question is, what if we do some work for some of those groups you offer protection from?
Our encounter with your two pilots was brief and neutral, so we wouldn't want to get on your bad side in any way. We was just curious where outsiders stood with your offer.
Thank you for your time in this, Capt. Garrick signing out.
*Incomming transmission*
From: La [color=pink]Veuve Noire~ [color=lightblue]La famille de La Brise de Mer
To: Captain Garrick
I am afraid that Sirian credits aren't worth jack in our part of the galaxy, so you would have to offer us something else in exchange, if you wish to be under our protection.
Also, we will indeed protect you from other Corses and other groups such as the Brigand, we have our means. You may freely trade with Brigands and other groups, but if you are under our protection, you will only trade goods for La Brise de Mer when it comes to the Unione Corse, or your protection will come to an end.
...Incoming Transmission...
<Source: "Mitraille", Les Ferrailleurs>
"Miseurs of the above mentioned Corporations of Royalist Gallia, we of Les Ferrailleurs would caution you against accepting such offers of extortionism. I do find it quite intriguing that this is how the Corse would attempt to gain any sort of 'favor' in our great house, they would have you believe they offer protection when they are simply attempting to get ahold of your hard earned credits without going through the efforts of piracy."
"Les Ferrailleurs already offer free escort to all Royalists of Gallia, and as such protection against those rebels who would do you and our house harm. We hardly see the necessity in giving in to such demands as these."
...Incoming Transmission...
<Source: "Mitraille", Les Ferrailleurs>
"Miseurs of the above mentioned Corporations of Royalist Gallia, we of Les Ferrailleurs would caution you against accepting such offers of extortionism. I do find it quite intriguing that this is how the Corse would attempt to gain any sort of 'favor' in our great house, they would have you believe they offer protection when they are simply attempting to get ahold of your hard earned credits without going through the efforts of piracy."
"Les Ferrailleurs already offer free escort to all Royalists of Gallia, and as such protection against those rebels who would do you and our house harm. We hardly see the necessity in giving in to such demands as these."
...End Transmission...
*Incomming transmission*
From: La [color=pink]Veuve Noire~ [color=lightblue]La famille de La Brise de Mer
To: ''Mitraille'', Les Ferailleurs
Tell me, ''Mitraille'', you can't be everywhere at once, can you? What we offer here is a simple insurance against troubles, and people are free to take it or not. Sure, we may have a shady reputation, but there isn't even an insurance company in Gallia, how do you want their transports to feel safe when escorts are unavailable? La Brise de Mer is watching, and they survive in this harsh world because of it.
as this message was brought to my desk,
I wandered why all the fuss about
your so called protection as we got
many navy soldiers and police officers to protect us,
aswell as our own escort fleet.
to rephrase that,
we do not want any of this illegality
represented in our beloved space,
*Incomming transmission*
From: La [color=pink]Veuve Noire~ [color=lightblue]La famille de La Brise de Mer
To: Mister Archambault of the EFL
''Illegality''? I am insulted. Stuff happens, they say, and we are here to protect you from ''stuff''. Nothing illegal in that. Tell me, mister Archambault, if you are to lose your cargo* to the dangers of space, is there anyone here to refund it so you can just rebuy everything you lost and keep on the way you had? There would, if you would accept our simple insurance.
Better safe than sorry.
[color=black]La [color=pink]Veuve Noire
*We also offer a special on funeral services this month!
Monsieur La Veuve Noire,
I still have my ears perked to your offer. The whole picture isnt clear to us yet.. but pieces are falling in place and its getting a bit clearer. Another question me and my crew have for you is.. you say your pilots will escort ships that carry your insurance. Whats your stance if youre escorting a ship that the Royal Navy would like to turn to scrap? Would you intervene in the defense of said vessel, or would they not interfere with the Gallic authorities.
Really authority is just from the view point of the beholder. You see we prefer business with La Council, weve seen Maquis ships and of course your own. To us the authority belongs to those who own the stations we dock at and get fresh supplies, cargo to fill our hold with, even the repairs we get after the GRN pokes holes in our hull. We dont need protection from these groups.. *laughs*
We need protection from the government that fears outside influences into their region. They fear the knowledge that we may unintentionally bring, about freedoms that others have outside of Gallia. They fear their own people will want those freedoms and or basic rights, that their own citizens dont have under the rule of their crown. They restrict the movement of basic commodities and supplies into their lands, so their people wont know what others have and what their missing. They also restrict the movement of the fine quality products your people produce. They dont like free trade or outside economic influences. The royal government to us is like what would happen if the Xenos took over Liberty.
Honestly me and my crew, we dont care about anybodys politics or beliefs. We move goods from one location to another location. We dont care about much except the chi-ching of credits falling into our hands. If you can pay, we can get what you want, and get it to where you want it. During our trips into Gallia weve brought Luxury Foods and Luxury Consumer Goods, Wines, Pharmacuticals and a few other non-military type items. The royal government hasnt liked us one bit for bringing quality goods to the citizenry of Gallia, but the Council, they pay well for these items, so their people can have them.
This is Capt Garrick signing out.
ID SIGNATURE.... Gregoire Pierpont, Senior Vice President of IDF in Gallic Borderworlds
Encryption Level... MAXIMUM CAPACITY
Message Level: Priority.
To:"The Family"
*Pierpont glanced over the message logbook at his desk on Planet Nevers, clicked a transmission button to reply*
My dear friends of the La Brise family. The Ile de France company will not be extorted by your kind around these parts. Our Navy and Police forces do a fine job of managing out protecting, as well as our own escort fleet of vessels full of competent pilots.
Please do not try to extort us again, or bug us like this. It is annoying. Merci.
PS: If you truly cared about Gallian economy you would try to aid any way possible, and not try to extort the shippers with these "Fees" of yours. I do hope you're loyal to the crown, monsieurs.
- Senior Vice President Gregoire Pierpont, Ile de France Shipping
End Message Body
Signal trace...Somewhere in Gallia.
Transmission source..offline.
*Incomming transmission*
From: La [color=pink]Veuve Noire~ [color=lightblue]La famille de La Brise de Mer
To: Gregoire Pierpoint, Vice Pr?sident S?nior des Transports d'Ile-De-France, secteur des Mondes Frontaliers Gallique
First, it's entirely fine for you to refuse our offer- you're free to take it or not. It is not to insult your escorts that we offer you our protection, it's because you know as well as us that nothing will ever go as planned when you ship stuff. I tell you what, I'll make a bargain with you- your first month is free of charge and we will repay you up to 10 million credits worth of insurances for the next 30 days, if you wish so, just to try out our system. What do you have to lose, now?
La [color=pink]Veuve Noire
*Incomming transmission*
From: [color=black]La [color=pink]Veuve Noire~ [color=lightblue]La famille de La Brise de Mer
To: Captain Garrick
We cannot offer you our protection against the lawful elements of Gallia. Not to a Sirrian, anyway, no matter what he offers to us.