Zoners, SCRA, Blood Dragons, and others hidden
throughout Sirius TCG would like to let you know that our recent conflict
with the Order does not mean we deem you hostile to us. We will always
obide by the NFZ policies as we have in the past and our good friendships
we have made with all your fine pilots will stay as it always was.
We have no problems with any groups that we didnt in the past.
[:: Incoming Transmission ::]
[:: From : The Noveria-2 ::]
[:: To : TCG Vessels ::]
As long as you obey the NFZ rules, there shouldn't be any problem with the Freeports.
Now get this straight into your brains, we heard about what happened, and I don't like the sound of it.
One wrong move, One single wrong move that hurts the Zoners, and you will suffer. I can assure you that I won't be the only one.
[:: Incoming Transmission ::]
[:: From : The Noveria-2 ::]
[:: To : TCG Vessels ::]
My objective is not to take a side in the Order politics and internal matters, my only rules are the Zoner ones.
This was only a warning, but it seems we have an agreement.