:::Incoming Transmission:::
:::ID: Layla Blair:::
:::Location: Java Station, Tau-23 System:::
:::Subject: What the eff ?!:::
:::Encryption: Medium:::
:::Video Feed:[color=#009900] Enabled:::
Listen, who ever you are, get the frakk outta my comms, do you hear me ?! I've been watching my favorite show on my onboard TV...Bah, whatever. Anyway, I dun' care who you are or what you're talking about, but one thing is for sure, I dun' give a damn !
....Transmission accepted....
....Transmission decoded....
....Opening transmission....
....Changing structure of message for Yacht class vessel ship...
....Backtracking: Failed....
....Message accpted and uploaded to core memory....
....Resending message to Izumi Aiko, status: Medium....
Eternity did all this in one nano second. Aiko heard her communicator beeping. She was lying in her bed and said: "Eternity what's going on?"
"We are accepting some communication signal. Message was recorded and uploaded. Do you want me to read it to you? Status was set to medium. Message seems higly suspicious. said ship with robotic voice."
"Read it Eternity. Creators will is sometimes hard to understand. We can't miss to hear his orders."
"Opening message."
After few minutes Izumi said:
"Very interesting. Send message back Eternity."
"Understanding. Starting recording in 3, 2, 1, recording started."
[font=Comic Sans Ms]
Greetings Stranger.
my name is Izumi Aiko and I'm Deacon of Virulian Enclave. Why are you telling as such a message? Who are these dangerous beings. Creators will might help you.
You can always contact us and speak with us.
We are here. To bring darkness on path of light.
"End recording"
"Recording ended. Should I send this message now or later?"
"Send it now and add to it communication file for reply. Medium security"
"Message was sent."
"Good, we will see what will come back ..."