The Saga of Trek Centauri
Stardate -315121.4942605277
Trek Centauri was born on Planet Earth in A spiral galaxy named MilkyWay, his parents were a
Terran mother Elizabeth and a Alpha Centaurian Father J'Realn Centauri. Trek Has always
wondered how to make his life count and was always intrigued by space travel. When Trek Was
old enough he left his parents for Centaurian Space Academy.
Trek Centauri Had many commendations under his belt and a great flyer but knew there had to
be more. At around that time the Coalition Troops were amassing in the MilkyWay galaxy. Trek
knew now what he had do. Trek joined the Freelancer Group In the Sirius Sector to earn his
trust with Liberty Security Forces. After many battles He acquired knowledge and reputation
to start his way to help the Sirius Sector overcome to outlaws and faction that may cause
After a while he had acquired a trusty ship(Trekker) and armored it to the hilt. He was ready
to start his own business "Trek's Mercenary Services" Which he could help other factions with their plight.
Mercenary was tough! and the business had to be sold and other contracts called my attention
Republican Express shipping security called "Black Talon" has returned my request for a interview and eventually I was a new member. I also was contacted by the king of fighters([kof]) clan to join there shipping division But my life was not complete without landing my first freight company called TrekInterSiriusFreight.
The Saga of Trek Centauri
Stardate -314900.32328349527
It has been a year Since my first encounters of the Coalition and the pirates that stopped my Trade runs. I was being Overworked by the RepEx and making loads of money from the KOF , I proceeded to carry on my adventures with my Private Merc named NCC.Trekker. I have gain the trust of lawful houses and wanting to only do contracts that are acceptable. I decided since my time was going to be spent wisely on hunting those criminals that helped the Coalition take part in destruction of Earth's defenses I was going to resign from RepEx Corp forth with. I turned in my key and said by goodbyes to them they have been family to me. My sights were set on taking down the pirate network that has been plaguing the Liberty and Rheinland Homeworlds. Next stop RheinLand High Command to get approval of a joint venture to rid the pirates from their Fatherland.