List'n Boyo. We've had out Troubles with ya in the Past, I've told ya to stay the hell outta Liba'ty. You've messed with the Outcast 'n messed with us. I told ya to stay off ou' Bases 'n dun ev'n ask 'bout usin' our Ships.
Now, yestahday I'm sittin' at Buff'lo, drinkin' some Booze, a Hookah on mah Lap'n I'm lookin' out of the Window seein' ya Moron 'n some othah Basta'ds draggin' a whole Navy Fleet to mah hidd'n Home in the Badlands? Ya 'diot gotta be kiddin', ya dockin' ri'ts're gone fo' a'most a Year 'n ya still use those bloody drunk'n Rogues at the Control to dock? Ya Reta'd stay the Hell of mah Bases 'n so do yah silly Thugs.
Got that?
"Who is it doing this synthetic type of alpha beta psychedelic funkin'?"
[font=Garamond]Now, to be fair, I've been reminded that I did allow him to use the bases, but if he's bringing tails
back, which I'm told that he is, then these rights are to be rescinded.
I think it will matter little, I'm considering rolling back my invitation to the scum of Sirius to trash
Liberty as well.
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