I suppose I must find something admirable in your persistence. After all, as a young man I, too, once had lofty dreams that could not be swayed by the naysaying of my teachers. In my case, they led to a decade of miserable work in Ageira's corporate sweatshop, which taught me a valuable lesson about the consequences of naivete.
Before I go much further with this topic, I must confess that I am not a physicist. I am a neurobiologist and cybernetics specialist who has consumed a great deal of secondary knowledge over his career, which leaves me with enough professional knowledge to discuss the topic but perhaps less proficient than you expect. Thus I can say that, with the deepest respect to the ancient works of Mr. Alcubierre and his star-drive, I do not believe that we can reliably produce such an effect in the lab without significant effort. That does not mean that it is impossible - there are few things which are truly so - but I am reluctant to invest my own time in what appears to be a fool's errand.
The idea is a tempting one, certainly, especially when it comes to organizations like the Lane Hackers which operate with a great degree of secrecy. Speed is certainly of the essence to us and, though we are more than capable of activating Ageira Trade Lane networks on our own, we do certainly prefer to avoid such well-trod paths. However, the benefit of the Trade Lane design is, as I have been told, the stability of the field. By utilizing stationary emitters the field of altered space-time can be more easily controlled and held at reasonable levels of power, which would pose major problems for a mobile unit. Much of the research that our experts once did at Ageira centered around the principles of a stationary projector, and it is the path of least resistance for a number of other important reasons.
However, if you are intent on pursuing this course of action then we are certainly the best source from whom to procure black market Trade Lane Parts. However the difficulty inherent in extracting working units from a locked White Box and the sensitive nature of Trade Lane technology requires us to be highly cautious of whom we allow to experiment with such devices. It is only the most highly trained Lane Hacker technicians who are allowed to work on repatriated technology, and the schematics we have painstakingly recovered from Ageira over the years are some of the most highly privileged pieces of information we possess. This means that it would require the approval of the Professorship to truly put our intellectual assets behind your project.
So, while it is certainly possible for us to acquire Trade Lane Parts, your proposal on reverse engineering the technology is one that requires a great deal of discussion before a verdict can be reached. I will bring the matter up to my colleagues, as it seems that you cannot be dissuaded, but I cannot promise anything at this stage. In the meantime, I suggest refining your proposal with some preliminary research as well as examining some of the wormhole travel projects being developed to see if their solutions better fit your needs.
Besides all this talk about new tech, I have something that might but... 'up the lane' of interest for you all.
Something... similar to the last time we co-operated. You recall?
I would like to invite perhaps a representative or two down to The Black Cherry for a discussion face-to-face about this ... scheme.
TO:Maxwell of the Lane Hackers Kon'nichiwa friend,
Hello Maxwell,
First and foremost I would like to thank you for your understanding in this. You have been my first solid lead anywhere in this endeavor. I understand the need to bring this up before the leaders of your group as what I am asking for is difficult indeed. If you ever need anything personal in the future please don't hesitate to call I am indebted to you as I would not be this far any where else. Again my greatest thanks. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Mr Sunny, you leave me puzzled. What could be equal to the greatest extortion in the history of Sirius?
But very well. Let's hear your plans Mr Sunny, you have proven your skills and your worth already. Make sure you organize something special on Black Cherry when I arrive, I would like to see something interesting and entertaining from our VIP lounge.
After lengthy consideration, we must decline your offer of cooperation on the aforementioned project. Though the Archangels Fighter Club is a valued contributor to our operations, there are things that we cannot share with even our closest allies. The technology behind the Trade Lane network is the groundwork upon which our entire enterprise is founded, and technological supremacy is our foremost weapon against the encroachment of corporate flunkies and the corrupt Libertonian oligarchy. If we allow such sensitive knowledge to permeate beyond the innermost minds of our organization it is a near-certainty that it will one day reach the deluded drones at Ageira. Even their feeble minds may attempt to stymie our efforts using such data, and we would prefer not to suffer through such a dull future.
We hope you can understand our perspective, Mr. Shik, and we look forward to other ventures in which we may cooperate more closely.
First of I have to say that I never would have expected an offer of assistance from you. You seem to be way better informed than we estimated. Still I am grateful for that.
Though right now hiding is the last thing I want to do I think we can still work together in fighting this menace. Thought before I go into any details I would very much like to know if you know what exactly we are dealing with here and how far back I need to go with this. Until then my pilots are instructed to work together with you against the Navy. I know what it is that you usually do. But with the dangerous position we are in I don't think we would have time to bother with it anyways. There is more important tasks at hand.
Interesting that you interpret an invitation directed to the LSF as if it includes your Battlegroup too. But let's entertain this idea for a moment.
My predictions were once again confirmed to be extremely accurate after the recent public announcement of Liberty's Government. It is clear to everyone now who the real enemy is here and thus I believe there are many areas in which the Lane Hackers can provide assistance.
However there is an issue. We do not yet have the entire picture of what happened before this clash started, of what exactly started it and of what currently remains of the LSF. We need to have all this information and evidence, as it will help us understand what is at stake here more clearly, increase our trust in what appears to be a genuine plea for help and of course we can also broadcast this knowledge to the citizens of Liberty which we both seek to protect.
I will do my best to put you in an up to date situation without compromising my own group and allies. You see even though I ask for help there is a bit of a long history between your group and the Navy and LSF. I am willing to put it aside since the situation is more than just dire.
The whole situation took it's beginnings when the Harmony was bombed. The damage was minor for what could have happened if Agent Young hadn't been there in time.
Here is the transmission should you want to look over it: To: Rear Admiral Victoria Knight | From: EDLF-"Charm"
I was warned of the presence of nomad agents among the Navy then. But we decided to keep quiet to not call attention on ourselves. Maybe that was a mistake since things turned out worse.
What followed then was High Command apparently taking us under watch, which really was just a setup. We were on patrol duty in Alaska which in itself was a good move for them to strike on us. They demanded information about us aggressively and then wanted to put my pilot under arrest. I knew then what this was about and tried to save her and the ship. Unsuccessful.
But luckily for us the LSF stepped in and at least gave us a bit of hope and they also rescued me in the end.
Now the Harmony itself is moored on Juneau and we are coordinating forces with the LSF to fight against the Navy.
I hope this is enough for you. If you need more we can talk about that, Mister Yoshida.
COMM ID:Avery Reeves / Paragon TARGET ID: The Lane Hackers SUBJECT:RE: Your Offer ENCRYPTION:Apollo PRIORITY:HIGH
initializing image feed...
no image feed available... [--------------------------------------------------------------]
As I informed Mister Weisen.
I have always served Liberty in the capacity of upholding justice in its true sense, at times that duty has... conflicted with my actual job of being an in-service combat pilot of our Naval Forces. As of recently, my actions have resulted in a notice of termination, I'm stripped of my rank, access codes to war-vessels I used to hold command over and I'm certain legal prosecution, imprisonment, interrogation, torture... worse.. is yet to come.
I'm not a defector, I'm someone who's trying to survive potential political aftermath after all I've done to protect my House. I've been of use to your organization before during the incidents in Delta committed by the core and I'm certain that with help I can continue to be useful, but I can't do that in a super-max prison that doesn't exist or even more ironically, dead. The Navy is probably going to make a public statement soon enough that I've been dishonorably discharged for preventing lawful units from opening fire on questionable elements, it's important to note I only did so because the people that would have been fired upon are benefactors to humanity, just like Mister Weisen and his associate in Delta were, which is why I've come to you again.
I know that every request comes with a cost, so let me know what the cost of protection from the corrupt arm of the law is and I will do my best to pay it forward.
Greetings. I am contacting the Lane Hackers , while representing the [FL-ER] organization. I was told by one of our pilots that the Lane Hackers wished to speak with us. Obviously this had me intrigued, so i'll wait for your reply.