As the title says. I'm competent enough to photoshop a picture, but I am un sure as to how to get any decent font styles and such into the picture. For instance, my new sig I am making has a burning star in it, how can I get the texture of the star onto a text of some sort and put it on the blackness of space next to it? I have described that terribly I know, but any help anybody could give me with making good fonts and texts would be appreciated.
Dream Theater - "Sabre120 and Jongleur officially win. That is all."
- press and hold ctrl and click on the layer of the txt (this selects the area of the txt)
- select the star or whatever texture you want and sitting ON YOUR TXT (otherwise you will have to place it manually, which is harder)
- press ctrl+i (this selects the REMAINING area of the text that you picked 2 steps above)
- press delete (this cleans the area you have selected - since we had inversed the txt selection, only the body of the text is visible now)
By this time you should have the star layer being seen as the text you have, rest gone. Then play with the blending options of the both layers to get what you want. Blending options can be reached by right clicking on the layer you want to work with.
You can use this technique to get metal-textured etc txt effects as well.
Also most text effects are purely blending options.
Bevel and Emboss for example. Outer Bevel with ^^ like setting (the graphical setting at the screen of b&e) with a stroke and inner glow, gives you a txt (or object) with shiny borders.
Here is an example
This image has bevel and emboss and a gradient overlay with some drop shadow with an angle. The shiny starlike thingies can be done with various tricks depending on what you need.
Another trick to make your txt look in depth is to copy your txt layer, use gaussian blur on the new layer and reducing its opacity to 30% and so. This gives a blurry yet clear feeling of the text. Looks ESPECIALLY GOOD with pressed material. This trick also works great with bleh photography. A few level tricks and that and they look great.
also, you can send me your image and one brieffing about your idea, then i can resend you the image with all those fonts, btw, i have enough fonts, and maynbe you like some "sci-fi" fonts.
please upload your image at ww*, then, send me the link for download.