[font=Segoe Print]Founded during 218 A.S in partnership between Deep Space Engineering and Ageria Technologys it quickly became the leading financial company within the Sirius. Its planned purpose was for the constructions of jump gates and trade lanes outside of liberty.
Interspace Commerce expanded into Kusari and had set up Roppongi station in the New Tokyo system. Up until this point the Kusari goverment had banned all foreign immigration as well as the construction of foreign stations and businesses. It was a risky move and angered many Kusarian citizens, however Interspace Commerce stayed in Kusari. Groups of terrorism such as the Blood Dragons sprouted to stop foreign corruption into Kusari and became hostile to Interspace Commerce.
In 350 A.S, Interspace Commcerce became the primary financier of trade lanes for the other houses. In Rheinland, it constructed Bonn station in New Berlin to oversee its interests in 521 A.S. Later in 525 A.S Interspace Commerce agreed to forgive all debts to foreign houses, and turned control of the trade lanes and jump gates in those houses over to their governments. With this, Interspace Commerce collected tolls for using its jump gates and trade lanes for the next 200 years. The company has never been satisfied with the two hundred years of tolls it got in exchange, and it is for this chief reason that a good deal of animosity towards Rheinland and Kusari exists even today. As a result, Interspace Commerce often allows ships from the Bundschuh, Red Hessians and even the Unioners to dock and purchase supplies on Bonn station. In respone, the Rheinland military placed the Battleship Strausberg outside the station to keep an eye on Interspace's activities.
Interspace Commerce conducted the same dealings with the Golden Chrysanthemum terrorist movement and began to fund them as well. Rumors of this sprouted up but Interspace Commerce has called off these allegations as "slander".
In 700 A.S., Agiera and Interspace developed a project called the Universal Ship Identification system (USI) which gave Interspace Commerce the ability to track ships and lay tariffs appropriately. Some of the Houses expect this gives Interspace Commerce an edge in competition, however so far nothing has been proven. Piracy organisations such as the Lane Hackers broke into the system and kept track of shipments and raided them accordingly. It also gave shipping locations to other pirate groups like the Rogues and Outcasts.
When the Okinawa System was discovered at the Border Worlds in 812 A.S., both the GMG and Kishiro were eager to move in as fast as possible. In a deal with Interspace Commerce to invest and finance the development of the system, the GMG resentfully signed the deal with Interspace Commerce, who would get 5% of all H-fuel profits. Most piracy and raids in the system are suspected to have originated or sponsored by the Hogosha due to Interspace Commerce's dealings and influence with the Golden Chrysanthemum movement, which has prevented any Golden Chrysanthemum attacks in the system. Kishiro and the Gas Mining Guild ignored whenever a Golden Chrysanthemum vessel has been seen docking with Furyoku Station.
[color=#99FFFF][font=Gabriola]Financial Control Department
The Insurance Departments main tasks are to maintain the company's loaning business and handle the company financially. The basic information for the Financial Control Division is below:
Interspace Commerce has bases and operations in the four houses. Liberty, Rheinland, Kusari and Bretonia. Its hard for a single person to give the proper attention needed at each of the four houses so we have developed a new system. A Public Relations Chancellor. (PRC)
There is one PRC to each house and they control a IC Yacht docked on our controlled base in that house. They are tasked with the following on in their house:
1) Reply to forum role play threads from factions in their house.
2) Make forum role play threads to factions in their house.
3) Will be on-call to help recruits get repped and kitted up in their house.
4) They will control the Yacht as a 'forward base' to support the IC Banking.
Interspace Sporting is completely new idea within the company. Interspace Commerce is now holding weekly races within Dublin and civilian Sirius. Interspace has its own team that will participate and compete against other racers in the houses.
[color=#FFFFFF] Allowed weapons are civilian hardware, advanced technology like Super Novas Anti Matter Cannons, Mini Razors, Nuclear Mines. CODE name weaponry. We do not allow any Nomad technology and criminal technology.
1 - Do not insult other members of this community. Be excellent to others.
2 - Discovery server rules are to be followed all time, there is no excuse for not being aware of these rules. Failure to do so will result in punishment in the faction, this will vary from case to case.
4 - All members must show activity in our message dump. Failure to do so over long, non-explained periods of time will result in being dismissed from the faction.
5 - RP will before any type of PvP.
6 - Don't get caught doing something considered less than legal. If you do, simply use your shear wealth to get them off your back.
I have only good things to say about Interspace Commerce. Always enjoyed my interactions with them, and fully support this attempted move toward official faction status.
Good luck guys.
[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.
Edit: Indeed, it did mention system purchase, and here I've been under the impression there was a three month requirement. Learn something everyday, we do!
' Wrote:I've only heard good things about you. I've never had the chance to meet you in game. Not to be the negative nancy but I must inquire:
All of the linked threads indicate you've been around less than a month. I assume that isn't the case?
As you have shown, thats only for requesting systems that you need four months plus activity. We arn't requesting a system at all but the official faction status. For this to happen we don't need to wait for four months.
Thank you all for your positive feedback. Much appreciated. We would still like more comments, even if you haven't met us in-game, comment on what you see in post 1. Anything will be helpful.