Well the thought occurred to me a little while ago that it could be entirely possible for me to offer my services as an artist to those who would be interested in this community and receive payment in the form of Credits in the game...I am not sure how exactly to explain it, but if I get a price thing up later, I could draw someone's character/request in a sketch or something like that for twenty million or more if they want full out digital coloring and what not. It does not have to be Freelancer related of course.
But the main thing is that I mostly work with cartooning stuff, and nothing ever is too realistic really, so I would not even know if anyone would buy anything simply for that fact. I also do starship designs
As you can see I mostly draw animals or work with them as a subject matter. Also pudgy characters...I admit I really enjoy drawing that, and some inflation but I realize that not many of you would be interested in that.... but I figured I would put it out there if anyone actually was.
If this kind of thing would actually work, I would set up a price thing later this week.
But how does that sound? I mean do you guys think I could actually get and credits with this stuff?