Was mulling this over just now, and thought that eventually Gallia in lore is going to come knocking at the Bretonian door like the big bad troll it is.
What is Gallia's goal with Bretonian space? Total military occupation? Puppet government? Subjugation? Dare I say, annihilation?
Would Liberty and Rheinland react to aid Bretonia?
So many possibilities.
EDIT: Oh, would the Corsairs attempt to punch into the remnants of Bretonian space? With the Mollies territory being threatened by a new and 'fresh' military power.
I personally hate the current development of the story, even if I ain't british. My first character was a bretonian, and even my current one is a bretonian.
Also, if I see some wine addict down there, expect us.
Signed, A crazy italian dude :cool:
The Bretonian space will be occupied by the GRN I guess, with some of the BAF and other Bretonian factions retreating to nearby systems, maybe in Liberty itself.
Liberty will probably aid the remaining Bretonian Military to launch attacks against key positions held by the GRN(Like stationed Valors in Bretonia for example), maybe not participating in the action, but funding them.
Bretonia gets two new systems, that's where they retreat to. Liberty will have to aid Bretonia since they are the next ones on Gallias to-crush-list. They'll need to hurry up and put that war with Rheinland to an end to be free to do so.
The thought about the corsairs is interesting. I wonder if they'll end up in a direct conflict with Gallia over the remnants of Bretonia.
' Wrote:Go play the game, within the given limitations. That is how role play games are played. Not by trying to work around those limitations or whining about them.
If Gallia managed to occupy Bretonia I'd imagine they'd use the civilians as hostages in order to force the Bretonian lawful factions to serve them. I'm thinking in terms of the BAF, this would lead to a split into two different factions:
- The 'unlawful' group; those who would continue to do everything they can to fight against Gallia, despite knowing the cost. I'm sure you can all imagine this sort of group.
- The 'lawful' group; those who surrender to Gallia in order to protect the civilians. They'd be considered expendable pawns by Gallia, and traitors by at least some of the rebels and other factions. They'd be sent in to fight their rebel 'country'men in order to prove their loyalty and cause psychological damage to the other side, as well as being used as sacrifices, distractions, meatshields, and all sorts of other nasty jobs against Liberty and whoever else Gallia decides to war against afterwards.
Obviously the rebel group would be the far more popular option, but the latter would still be interesting to RP. Anyway, this is all theoretical, but this is what I'd like to see if Gallia took over.