A while ago, a discussion came up about the nature of the hogosha and the kusari state in a thread in the rules section.
It was unfortunately not possible to continue the discussion there because it was considered off topic by some, but I find it an extremely interesting RP subject to talk about.
Quite by coincidence, I was just now watching a history channel documentary on youtube which also mentioned the Black Dragon societey of WW2 japan, and its influence on nazi idiology, and it was so directly linked to that discussion on the forums that I wanted to post it and ask for opinions:
I am interested in hearing about the views of people who RP in kusari on this matter.
To get back on the matter, I was saying, back in the other thread:
' Wrote:Hitsquad may not be the right word (for the hogosha), since they may not get all their orders from the emperor himself, but they are idiologically in favor of the emperor, and their actions, specifically against foreigners, are being tolerated by kusari lawfuls. So even if they are not officially his hitsquad, they are people who work in his favor and in that of his government, with illegal methods, who are being tolerated by him and his governement.
Japan had an emperor during WW2, and its generally considered to have been a fascist state, while also being a monarchy.
Isnt their agenda something like "welfare of the kusari people"? I dont have the infocard in front of me, mabe I'm confusing it with someone. The fact that they are being tolerated by the lawfuls, that they fight the enemies of the emperors (Blood Dragon and GC), and that they fight for the economic interest of kusari and its governments, shows that they are in cahoots with the emperor. Which will of course be denied since they are known to use criminal methods.
Well, when ever I went through kusari, I got called gaijin. Its considered a not politically correct word for foreigner, meaning alien both in the ethnic and citizen senese. At least thats what wikipedia tells me. 50% of times I hear it said in kusari (especialls form farmers and hogosha) it is joined with some other racial slur like "you are impure" or "you have tained my homeland". So yeah, Kusari is the most racist of all houses. Outcasts have their cardamine superiority complex, which isnt really about race, corsairs... are empirial fascist in many other ways, but havent them talking racist or nationalistic liek this yet.
If there was any historical comparison to be made, I'd say first its japan in WW2. Even Nazi germany is a better comaprison than south africa. The junker situation kind of made me think of the way gipsies were treated in the 3rd reich. The junker lifestyle isnt exactly that of gipsies, but has some similar aspects, and I have seen some junkers RP as gitanos (long time ago on USA server). The way they are being marginalised by the goverment, taking the crimes of a few to demonize all, looking for every pretext possible ("information" bounty) to go after them with extreme measures, and to persue them with ferocity until your "homeland" is "purified" of them... really reminded me of that.
As much as people like to say there aren't rules or laws in Kusari, there are. The Emperor does not have unrestrained power, and in fact, has little power overall, probably being less powerful in actual power than the Shogun (head of the KNF) and the head of Samura. The Emperor servers as a figurehead, a physical embodiment of Kusari culture, almost a religious figure. It's that place, and the people's fervent loyalty to him, not his legal rights that give him power.
I have always rped Kusari as having a constitution, mainly because Japan has one. I believe that there are laws, and citizens rights, although probably little protection of women's rights. There are laws, they are enforced in a particularly Kusari way.
The Hogosha are well connected, and have a significant amount of respect among the populace. If they are not caught red handed, its likely they wont be prosecuted. The law in Kusari doesn't go out of its way to catch or prosecute the Hogosha or FA. This does not mean they aren't breaking the laws.
I disagree that Kusari should be described as a facist state, I have always seen it as a industrial-constitutional monarchy with endemic issues of corruption.
' Wrote:As much as people like to say there aren't rules or laws in Kusari, there are. The Emperor does not have unrestrained power, and in fact, has little power overall, probably being less powerful in actual power than the Shogun (head of the KNF) and the head of Samura. The Emperor servers as a figurehead, a physical embodiment of Kusari culture, almost a religious figure. It's that place, and the people's fervent loyalty to him, not his legal rights that give him power.
I have always rped Kusari as having a constitution, mainly because Japan has one. I believe that there are laws, and citizens rights, although probably little protection of women's rights. There are laws, they are enforced in a particularly Kusari way.
The Hogosha are well connected, and have a significant amount of respect among the populace. If they are not caught red handed, its likely they wont be prosecuted. The law in Kusari doesn't go out of its way to catch or prosecute the Hogosha or FA. This does not mean they aren't breaking the laws.
I disagree that Kusari should be described as a facist state, I have always seen it as a industrial-constitutional monarchy with endemic issues of corruption.
But what do you think about the similarities between the black dragons in 1910 and discovery, their influence/common ground with fascist and ultra-nationalist idiology, kusari imperialism (regarding emperor, the wars, the secret societies).
It was said that the disco hogosha are nothing but a mafia and the kusari state nothing but a constitutional monarchy, but they and the kusari state have a lot of similarities (ultra-nationalism/racism, being a secret society tolerated by the state) with the pre-1946 fascist japan. All moot?
' Wrote:So what exactly do you want to know?
I'd like to know your opinion of what I said in the quoted part, in connection to the youtube documentary there.
' Wrote:It was said that the disco hogosha are nothing but a mafia and the kusari state nothing but a constitutional monarchy, but they and the kusari state have a lot of similarities (ultra-nationalism/racism, being a secret society tolerated by the state) with the pre-1946 fascist japan. All moot?
Because I thought that the name "Black Dragons" being used was probably not just a coincidence.
Kinda like the rather unusual (compared to the rest of Sirius) amount of racism/xenophobia didnt seem like just a coincidnce.
Or maybe its a case of a similarity of a name/nature of a societey ending up in somethin that I found very similar to a particular idiology, which are suposedly unlinked and all moot.
Like... you know... something that was thrown into he game (name black dragons and secret society) ending up in something that also ending up like something that reminded me of what it also influenced back then in the first half of the 20th century.
Coincidence, intentional, or a case of history repeating through human psyschology and a certain mindset.
They are not very secret. I would say 95% of Kusari people know about Hogosha. Don't forget that Hogosha is divided into many organizations and syndicates.
Also the reason Hogosha is tolerated is the fact noone wants to risk get in trouble with them. They know lot of naughty things about many politicians and officers.
' Wrote:They are not very secret. I would say 95% of Kusari people know about Hogosha. Don't forget that Hogosha is divided into many organizations and syndicates.
Also the reason Hogosha is tolerated is the fact noone wants to risk get in trouble with them. They know lot of naughty things about many politicians and officers.
No, the reason why no one does anything about the Hogosha is because they are so well integrated into society that at one point, they just exist and are part of life. It's a weird mentality.