I welshdemon have taken offence at your careless act of war on a freelancer just going about his bussiness.
This afternoon I jumped through frankfurt jump hole into hamburg and was attacked by numerous vessel of the Unioners and as i was defending myself with a cargo of about 25mil cargo allies of the unioners got involved and as such destroyed my vessel.I was lucky to escape in my pod but my cargo was taken by you unioners.
I understand you do not like anybody but to attack a none policing vessel who has no ties with any alliance is unforgiving as such when i am rdy i will take it up on myself to reck havoc on u unioners and your allies.
You fly through our space without asking us? What did you expect to happen, that we offer you cookies and a cup of coffee?
I think I will have to yell at the people responsible for this. You were able to stay alive.
Try to hunt us and that will change faster then you might want it to happen.
'Mess with the viper and you get the fangs.'
Stay away from Rheinland if you want to keep your worthless life.