From: Okada Kazuya, Chief of Human Relations
Location: Shinjuku Station
*transmission begins*
Konbanwa honored Councilors.
I bring you gave news from the House of Liberty.
As I am sure you are aware, Liberty has decided to take on a more aggressive role against Kusari as of late.
This can be seen by their attempt to persecute Samura due to "cooling relations with Kusari".
As well as their corporate ships being caught more and more smuggling contraband across our borders.
The latest insult has come to be that Kusari ships are no longer protected under Liberty law.
Not long ago one of our transports was pirated in front of Liberty law enforcement officials while they stood back and watched this terrible event unfold.
They made it clear to the captain of said transport that as long as we uphold the law in Kusari against Liberty based smugglers, we can expect no protection while in this house's space.
I am truly saddened by this turn of events as we will most likely have to abandon the Liberty market all together if we are to be treated this way by the official representatives of Liberty.
We are currently looking at our legal options with Liberty, and will be in constant communications with this council.
It seems they will not stop until there is war, a tragic event for both houses, but I fear one they will not back away from with their lack of respect for Kusari's law and people.
I would ask Kusari to stand behind us in this tragic time as together we may overcome this trial that Liberty seems intent on putting our people through.
I am attaching evidence from the ship in question to show what we can expect from Liberty from now on.